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"Yo! Zoro, how ya doing buddy?" A voice called as Zoro opened the door into the bar.

"Jolly." Zoro said, hanging up his coat and striding to the other side to grab a mop. There were a few splatters of vomit here and there that Zoro had to clean up, even if it wasn't the most lovely job.

"Mop duty?"

"Mop duty." Zoro confirmed as he grimaced, dragging the mop over the yellow and brown coloured floor.

"So, how's life?"


Zoro's phone beeped and flashed to his Lock Screen. He grabbed it out of his pocket and read the notification.

"Who's that, your girlfriend?" Zoro's coworker chuckled.

"I'm gunna go to the bathroom, mind doing mop duty?" Zoro didn't look him in the eye before setting the mop doing and walking over to the bathrooms.

"Hey- wait wah? Zoro get your flat ass back here!"


Zoro closed the cubicle door behind him, standing above the toilet and sifting through his phone.

Mr. Prince has a new video, don't wanna miss it 💋

Zoro pressed on the play button.

The black screen faded into an image, Mr. Prince was sitting in the centre of a dimly lit room on a small wooden chair. He was bound to it with rope that was already making red marks on his skin. Another light flickered on, a small bulb just above his head. There was a gag over his mouth and his attire was simple, naked.

Even the sight made Zoro's dick twitch.

A figure walked into the dark room. He was twice the other man's size.

"Mr. Prince, we've been looking for you."

The porn stars gaze followed the other man's as he walked in circles around the chair.

"We want all the information, so tell me."

The gag was pulled from his mouth, his lips merging into a scowl.

God he's so sexy when he's pissed.

"You'll have to fuck the information out of me,"

Mr. Prince smirked before he was unbound from the ropes and fucked into the floor.

Zoro turned down the volume as the high pitched moans began echoing out of the phone.


Zoro jumped and unlocked the cubicle, stepping outside and quickly shoving his phone in his pocket.





Zoro walked to the parking lot, he had worked until nine at night and was feeling pretty darn fucked. He opened the car door, (careful not to pull it off his hinges), and slid inside. He started up the engine and began to dive out of his parking space.

He made it halfway down the road before his car wouldn't move any further.

"Fuhuhuak!" Zoro whined as he banged his head on the wheel, the horn blasting and making Zoro pull his head back up with a fright.

"Why has this shit always got to happen to ME?"

Zoro was startled when he heard the sudden knock on the window, he rolled it down and looked outside.

"Flat tire this time, I told you not to wear her out."

It was the same motorcyclist from the day before, Zoro couldn't tell at first but he recognised him instantly from his voice. He was wearing the same shiny black leather from the day earlier, only now he was wearing a different helmet.

"You again?" Zoro raised an eyebrow, pretending to not be surprised.

"Fate has dawned upon us once again," the biker folded his arms over Zoro's rolled down window.

"Please don't say that, sounds like we're characters from a fantasy novels,"

"What's wrong with fantasy novels?" The biker asked, cocking his head to the side.

Zoro sighed, "is there anything you can do to fix my car, do your tool magic or something?"

"No, sadly not. The tire is out and I don't have the kit to fix it, you'll need to take it to a garage and get it fixed if you wanna get back home." The biker said, doing his hands-on-hips once again.


"You can't get home, unless you push your car to the garage."


The biker chuckled.

"I can call them up and ask them tow it back, but it will take at least a day to replace the tire." The biker said, stepping back so Zoro could get out the car.

"So how the fuck do I get back to my house?" Zoro questioned, shutting the car door behind him.

"You don't, you're coming home with me."



ST⭐️R IN THE DUST | Zosan 💋Where stories live. Discover now