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"Zoro, could you pass the salt?"

Zoro looked up from his food, meeting eyes with the gorgeous raven haired woman sat across from him. At this point he felt embarrassed for eating like a gorilla as he wiped his mouth with his sleeve.

"Of course." He said, cheeks still stuffed with pasta. He put his hand over the salt shaker and reached over the table. The ocean blue eyed lady wrapped her delicate fingers around it, her long nails grazing Zoro's rough skin. 

Robin was staying the night with Perona and Rei, although she wasn't a third wheel to their lesbian romance. Not that Zoro had a problem with that. Zoro had know Robin since he was a kid and he always had a small, long running crush on her. Zoro always knew he was into men and women, he would take whatever he could get at this point. Perona knew about this little crush and occasionally teased him about it, even now she was eyeing him over the table and wiggling her eyebrows.

Zoro continued to eat, Shanks (who was also insisting on staying over for the week) was chatting about shit that Zoro knew never actually happened.

"Oh! And then we fucked and it was pretty neat. Her ass was fucking amazing."

"Shanks, shut the fuck up." Mihawk said sternly, pointing his knife at him like it was a sword.

"Oh, yeah, sorry. Forgot that there was kids here." Shanks rubbed the back of his head.

"Poor Zoro will have to cover his ears." Perona chuckled.

"You're the child, you're still in school." Zoro spat back.

"I'm four years older than you!" Perona said.

"Doesn't change the fact you're still in school."

"Oh yeah.. hey! I said I'm self conscious about how I'm retaking my last year!"

"For the seventh time?"

"Zoro, shut the fuck up. You too Perona." Mihawk said, pointing his butter knife at each of them. 

Before Zoro and Perona could finish their feud, there was a loud knock on the door.

"Who the fuck wants something from me at this time?" Zoro growled, rolling his eyes.

"Aren't you going to get the door?" Shanks asked.

"It's probably not important."

There was a much louder knock at the door. It was a nock with distress strengthening it.

"It's probably important."

Zoro stood up and made his way through the corridor. The rain was pouring heavily onto the glass windows made the entire house patter and shake. Whoever was outside would be for sure drenched by now. He heard Mihawk also get up and begin to follow him further behind.

The knocking became louder.

Zoro grabbed the handle and slowly opened the door, stepping back when a gust of wind hit him. He waited until the breeze died down before finally taking a look at who was outside.

Sanji blonde hair was rapidly blowing in the wind and his blue eyes were red with tears. His showing shoulders were bruised and his neck looked like he had been strangled seven times over. He held a bag as he swayed in the wind, drenched in rain. He looked like he had been tortured.


Sanji swayed one last time before collapsing into Zoro's arms. Zoro was able to catch him before he fell to the floor, hooking his arms underneath the blonde man's limp body.

"Zoro? Who's that?"

"He's a friend, now hurry up and help me. I'll take him to my room." Zoro said, picking Sanji up. Shanks had heard the commotion and rushed over, helping Zoro and Mihawk carry the blonde man up the stairs.

"What's happened to him?" Mihawk asked.

"I'm not sure.." Zoro said as they reached the top.

"Abuse. I know a victim when I see one." Shanks cut in, his 'silly' self dissolving into a serious side. Shanks wasn't one to like abuse.

"What do you know Zoro?" They opened Zoro's door and took Sanji inside before laying him bed.

"His boss isn't nice, but... I didn't think he'd go that far."

"Where does he work, I'll phone them." Mihawk grabbed his phone from his pocket.

"That's the problem.." Zoro muttered.

"What? Come on, this is serious."

"Hold on. That's... Zoro, is that Mr. Prince?.." Shanks asked, stepping back.

"No shit Sherlock, who else would it be? Leonardo DiCaprio?"

"Oh my god."

Zoro walked over to get closer to Sanji. He brushed his hair back to look at his tear stained eyes. His hand moved from his face to his neck. It was purple and there were several bruises trailing down to his shoulder.

"Dad, get some warm clothes, preferably Perona's but none of the goth shit. Shanks, get a towel and some Paracetamol."

"Aye, aye." Shanks hurried off and Mihawk went with him, leaving Zoro to check Sanji's body for more wounds.

He slowly peeled Sanji's wet jumper off, revealing something that almost made him vomit.

The cursive signature 'Doflamingo' was burnt into Sanji's skin along his chest. Had this always been there? Zoro didn't remember it being there before, meaning this was done recently. The rest of the pale body was badly bruised, purple, blue and red, ruining the once beautiful blank canvas.

"What happened to you?" Zoro whispered under his breath, holding Sanji's hand and giving it a soft squeeze.

"Don't worry Sanji."

"I'll protect you."

ST⭐️R IN THE DUST | Zosan 💋Where stories live. Discover now