⭐️ 34 💋

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The ring gleamed, a blue sapphire crystal embedded in a silver hold. Zoro stiffened, the whole world stopping for a moment as he watched the scene. He looked toward Sanji, who was looking back at him with pain in his eyes. He seemed shocked for his secret to be revealed, and Doffy's expression implied that he was planning on this.

"Hm? You seem upset Roronoa, cat got your tongue?" The corners of  Doflamigo's lips curled as he looked toward Zoro. He was speechless, eyes darting between Sanji, Doffy and the ring.

"I don't care that we're married! It means nothing." 

"It means everything Sanji, 'till death do us part. Isn't that right?" Doffy glared at Sanji before glancing to Zoro with another smirk. He was really trying to rub salt into Zoro's wound, every grin proving his point.

"I didn't want to marry you Doffy, my vows meant nothing-," 


"Don't speak to me like that, bitch." 

Zoro growled, stepping forward and pushing Doffy away from Sanji, who was standing his ground, cupping his cheek. 

"Don't you dare." Zoro said, standing in the way, making sure Sanji was out of reach.

"I am fully allowed to put hands on my husband, the contract grants me the will to do what I like. Stop trying to be a hero Roronoa." His grin faded as he looked down on Zoro like he was dirt on his boot.

"You're an asshole, just because something says you can do what you like, doesn't mean it's okay to do it!" Zoro tried to be reasonable, he didn't want to fight.

"If I have money, I spend it. It's the same thing."

Zoro clenched his fists.

"We're leaving, come on Sanji." Zoro turned to look at Sanji, offering his hand to lead him away from Doffy.

"Wait! Sanji, sweetheart, please, don't leave." Doffy said once more, coming forward to be closer to Sanji, still paying no attention to Zoro.

"Sanji, baby, I love you so much, you mean the world to me."

"Don't listen to him," Zoro said quietly, walking past him, expecting for Sanji to follow. 

"Sanji. Look at me." 

He did. His gaze was fixed onto Doffy. A manic expression on his face.

"Sanji. If you leave me I will kill myself."

Zoro stopped walking away.

He's threatening his own suicide?

"No, Doffy don't joke about that." Sanji said, his voice shaking with worry.

"I'm not joking. I'll do it right here."

"Doffy stop it."

"I'll hang myself if you go."

"Sanji don't listen to him," Zoro put a hand on the blondes shoulder.

"Stay with me Sanji."

"Don't listen Sanji!"

"Don't leave."

"Let's go home,"

"Don't let him take you away from me,"

"I love you Sanji,"

"I love you so much don't go,"

I love you..


Sanji's sudden outburst silenced the two. Zoro stepped away from him, giving the man some space as he caught his breath.

"I'm sick of your shit Doffy."


Sanji pulled the sapphire ring off of his finger, taking a deep breath before throwing it to Doflamingo's feet. It didn't shatter, but Zoro kind of wished it did.

"Our marriage is over, sliver never looked good on me anyway." Sanji said, his eyes colder than before.


"I said what I said Doffy, I'm getting a fucking divorce." 

"No, no, you can't!" Doffy fell to his knees, begging for Sanji to stay. 

"It's over. Now fuck off." Sanji growled.

"I'll tell him where you are."

Sanji's breath seemed to hitch. He looked at Doffy.

"Fine, I'll keep filming,"

"Good boy." Doffy smiled, his wild card working on Sanji.

"That's on one condition. You aren't to put your hands on anyone in the studio, and Law goes free when he wakes up." Sanji folded his arms.

Zoro sighed, whoever Doffy kept talking about was someone that Sanji did not want to see.

"I'm going home Doffy." Sanji grabbed Zoro's hand, leading him away from Doffy, who was shouting incomprehensible profanities after the two of them.

Sanji sighed before speaking.

"I think I may have fucked up."

Sorry for the short chappy. My parents are threatening to send me to France and I don't really want that because I don't like France so yeah if I never come back it's because a French person kidnapped me. 👍

Im still angry about the fact I've got the same MBTI as Doffy.


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