💋 19 ⭐️

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"Would you like some tea?" Mihawk asked, rustling around in a drawer in the kitchen.

"Yes please," Sanji replied. He was sat at the wooden table with Zoro sitting across from him. Shanks was helping Mihawk prepare breakfast and Perona was watching TV in the living room with Rei. 

"Sanji, uhm... this might sound strange but-," Zoro looked troubled.

"Go on,"

"Do you need me to uh- contact the police about anything?" 

"No, Doffy has connections and if he finds out, he'll find me. He'll calm down eventually." 

Zoro nodded.

"And they could arrest you since you held a weapon against him in your home.."

Sanji stopped him, "Well, it's not my home, it's technically his home."

"Hm? Then why do you live there?" Zoro asked, raising a green eyebrow.

"He pays for everything, I signed a contract when I began working for him, it said he would take care of me if he is able to use me however he wants."

Mihawk brought over Sanji's tea and placed it in front of him. He looked into the liquid, his reflection slowly emerging as the drink stopped swishing.

"If those were the consequences, why did you agree to the terms?" 

Sanji sighed.

"It's the only way I could get off the streets. It was a choice between life or death." Sanji's frown sunk further.

"On the streets? What do you mean?" Zoro asked, leaning forward as Sanji began to speak more softly.

"I didn't have anywhere to go. You've met Zeff, correct?" Zoro raised an eyebrow and thought for a moment.

"The old man at the Garage?" Zoro asked, still unsure of his answer.

Sanji nodded, "yeah, he fixed your car. I ran away from home when I was younger and found Zeff. He was a Veteran, lost his leg while he was in the military. He took me in, though he was homeless, and he tried to give me the best life he could give me. He eventually got enough money to buy me clothes and send me to school." Sanji took a deep breath before continuing, "then Zeff started gambling. He said it was just so he might be able to get us enough to move out of our tiny apartment. And-... he lost everything."

Mihawk came and sat next to Sanji.

"Zoro was similar. We never knew who is parents were, he was moving round foster homes every other week until he found us." Zoro looked at his dad and smiled.

"I was a problematic kid, wasn't I?" Zoro said, a light chuckle in the back of his throat.

"Yes, you tended to hit people a lot in school." Mihawk's tone deepened.

"Hey, that was only like-.. several times."

Shanks spoke up from the sink, "hey, what happened after your dad gambled the savings away?"

Sanji nibbled on his thumb, wondering if he should tell them. "Doflamingo found me when I was fifteen. I was in a bad condition, frail and weak. He said he would house us and feed us if I signed myself away to him. I didn't check with Zeff before I did it, I just wanted the best for us. He spent two years helping us before I was of age to start work. I was confused, I did things that broke my heart to do and I still don't know why I didn't say anything to get him to stop. After a couple of years it became the norm. I was used to the tight schedule, I was used to the cameras on me and I got used to being a pornstar. After I started, I began dating a coworker in secret, Rosa Violeta. I wanted a break from.. men. I wanted a woman, a beautiful woman who would never want to hurt me or use me."

Zoro recognised the name. Rosa Violeta, he had scrolled past a few of her videos though she was hardly as popular as Sanji.

"When Doffy found out, he was livid. After he hit me for the first time, it became like an addiction. He'd do it whenever he was stressed, if I got a line wrong, anything. I was used to it, he used my own cigarettes to burn me, he hurt me in my own kitchen. The contract that I signed had a line that said he was able to hurt me however he liked as I was willingly his 'property'." 

Shanks sighed.

"Guy just sounds like a mad asshole." He said as Perona walked in.

"Pa? Who is... he?" She pointed at Sanji and clutched her teddy bear tightly around her chest.

"Lovely lady, my name is Sanji. It's wonderful to meet you." Sanji got up from his chair and bowed at her, a flirtatious glint in his eye.

"Uh- I'm a lesbian." She raised her thin eyebrow, popping her hip to the side.

"Oh, I didn't mean to make advances. My apologies pretty lady." Sanji awkwardly sat back down in his seat.

"Pa, me and Rei are going shopping. I'll see you later." Perona said, an almost invisible Rei following behind her.

"Goodbye, keep safe." Mihawk said, not looking up from the daily paper in front of him.

"Where's Robin?" Zoro asked.

"She said she was getting on with some work, she didn't want to barge in on the occasion." Perona shouted back before opening the door and walking out.

Sanji sipped on his tea. He looked over to Zoro who leaned over to him and said sternly:

"So, we're going to help you out Sanji."

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