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Sanji was sat on the hospital bed, seeming completely unharmed. There was a woman beside him, holding his hand as she looked over her glasses to glare at him, looking quite upset about Zoro bursting through the door unannounced. 

"Excuse me, we asked for no visitor-,"


She was cut off as Sanji stood up and stumbled over to Zoro, pulling him into a close hug. It felt so refreshing to have the blonde's arms around his shoulders.

"I'm so sorry Zoro, I-I just-," he could hear Sanji on the verge of crying as he tried to explain.

"It's okay Curly, I understand." He said, patting down Sanji's ruffled hair as he sobbed into his collarbone. 

"I shouldn't have left like that, I-i didn't even say anything before leaving!" 

"That doesn't matter, what matters is what the fuck landed you, Doffy and that other guy in the hospital." Zoro said as Sanji pulled away from his shirt, leaving an obvious wet patch on his breast. Sanji's eyelashes were wet and drooping as his gaze diverted off Zoro, looking to a nearby fake plant on a shelf. The older woman sighed and stood up, walking to stand next to Sanji.

"Are you a friend?"

Zoro raised an eyebrow, giving Sanji a look of consent.

"Romantic partners, what about it?"

The woman nodded.

"From what was said to me, Doflamingo had an explosive rage episode and was attacked by Mr. Trafalgar who was trying to protect Sanji here. Unfortunately Doflamingo overpowered him and ended up using a large shard of glass from a shattered mirror to continuously stab Trafalgar Law. He is alive, but in a vegetative state." She explained, the look on her face full of empathy.

"Shit, that's wild.. is that guy going to live?" Zoro asked.

"We-... don't know." She looked toward the floor.

"Thanks for coming here Zoro. Kureha? Will I be able to leave the hospital now?" Sanji looked towards the woman, his eyes seeming genuine.

"Do you trust him to take good care of you?" She asked, holding both his hands.

"Definitely. I'll give you a call if anything happens," he suggested.

"Please do, I want you to be as safe as possible after everything that's happened." She smiled warmly before patting his shoulders and ushering him to go with Zoro.

"I'll take you back to my place and we can work all this shit out from there, sound good?" Zoro asked as Sanji waved goodbye to Dr. Kureha. They walked out of the room, Zoro taking light steps so that Sanji could keep up. He may not have been injured but he was surely very weak.

"Yeah, that would be great. I just want to be as far away from Doflamingo as possib-,"


Both Zoro and Sanji stopped abruptly. Zoro could see Sanji's body begin to shake, his eyes wide as he slowly turned around to see where the voice was from, though it's was clear who exactly had stopped them. Doffy was behind them, a solemn expression on his face. He looked almost disappointed to hear Sanji say that. He was standing with a team of workers, obviously there to support and slave around for the man. Zoro looked back over to Sanji, he was taking steps backwards like he was getting ready to make a run for it, but Zoro stopped him by grabbing his hand and giving his a look of reassurance.

"Do-fucking-flamingo. What do you want?" Zoro scowled at the man, but his expression had no effect. Instead, Doffy looked longingly towards Sanji, though it was hard to tell underneath his glasses.

"Sanji. You-.. you didn't mean that?"

There he goes again, guilt tripping and manipulating Sanji, Zoro thought.

"And what if he did?" Zoro stepped forward, shielding Sanji.

"Shut up you ape. I'm not talking to you." Doflamingo snapped, shoving Zoro out of the way. He approached Sanji, taking his hand and bringing him close. It made Zoro feel sick. The terrified look on Sanji's face made the hole in his stomach gape wider than before.

"Doffy-.. why?" Sanji said, almost a whisper out of his pale, trembling  lips.

"Baby, you know I love you. Why would you wish for us to be apart." Doffy tucked some of Sanji's blonde hair behind his ears, making it easier to gaze on his fearful face. "Mi amour, I'm sorry for what happened but it couldn't be helped." Doffy's tone was sickening, like he was talking to a child, trying to lure Sanji back into staying with him.

"You-, you almost killed Law!" Sanji pushed him away, holding his hands close to his chest, disgusted by Doffy's touch.

"Sweetie, I did what I had to do. If I didn't do that, I would have been hurt. Trafalgar is fucking crazy, he was the one who tried to kill me. I was protecting you." He said, a deranged smile creeping onto his face.

"Sanji, don't listen to him." Zoro said, not wanting to interfere physically. The guy was almost ten feet tall when he straightened his back out, that wasn't a fight he could win.

"Sanji, darling, have you forgotten what I've done for you?" Doffy got to his knees before Sanji, begging for him to stay.

"I can't trust you Doffy." Sanji frowned, stepping away from him.

"Sanji. Don't be a bitch."

Sanji gulped.

"Im sorry Doffy. I can't do this anymore." 

Doflamingo looked like his heart had been shattered. That's if he ever had a heart to begin with.

"No. No, Sanji you can't. I won't allow you to leave me." Doffy got off the floor, once again towering over Sanji like a colossal beast.

"You can't stop me Doffy." Sanji said firmly.

He yelped when Doflamingo reached out to grab his left hand. Zoro watched in horror, feeling helpless to do anything. 

"Yes, I, can. Do you forget that you are bound to me by marriage?"

Zoro's heart dropped when he noticed the diamond wedding ring on Sanji's finger.

Plot twist (gasp)


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