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Sanji took Zoro's hand and led him to his room.

He was pushed to the bed.

His clothes were removed.

And so was the helmet.

Zoro was entranced.

Beautiful blonde hair,

Ocean blue eyes,

Lips that begged to be kissed a thousand times,

He was fucking gorgeous.




Zoro's eyelids fluttered. He was dazed, but he felt somewhat amazing. He rolled over to the other side of his bed, realising that it felt bigger than usually. To add to that list, the covers were a lot heavier and it smelt nice, like freshly made food. Was his house on fire? No, that's not possible, that smell was too good to be burning. But who was cooking in his house?

Hold on...

This isn't my room,

And this isn't my house!

Zoro sat up, looking around the room as his eyes adjusted. It was most certainly not his, it was filled with decor, unlike Zoro with his very basic design. All the deep pink and velvet nearly blinded Zoro, he would never be able to live in a room this colourful. Posters were scattered around the room, all having a certain face that he recognised on them. That's when he remembered.

"Holy shit!"

Zoro pulled off the covers, but placing them back when he realised he wasn't wearing anything. He saw that his clothes were still scattered on the floor from the night before. He grabbed his underwear and put them on, now at least he wasn't butt-naked. He tugged on his shirt and trousers, grabbing his jacket and making his way out of the room. He walked down the stairs and entered the kitchen, he looked around, the several cans of beer still sitting on the countertop where he had sat last night. So it really did happen...

There was a note on the table with gorgeous handwriting that read;


Sorry for rushing off, I wish I could've stayed longer <3. Your car is at the garage down the street, tell the owner that you know me and that the car is yours and he'll probably let you take it. I won't be back until about 9 at night, so this is goodbye!

p.s (wasn't expecting you to be one to watch my videos)

Zoro felt the blood rush to his head. He really did sleep with Mr. Prince, and he certainly made a big deal out of it.

How the fuck did I of all people manage to get into the same bed as one of the most famous pornstars?

Zoro took the chance of being alone in a famous persons house to snoop, what else was he supposed to do? Leave straight away? This was possibly the most rare encounter he'd ever have, nonetheless being able to have sex with the guy!


Zoro looked around the bedroom, making a metal note of everything. Posters of Mr. Prince in slutty outfits, fan mail, sex toys, cameras...

Wait... cameras?

Zoro looked up at the ceiling, there were cameras in each corner, pointed down at the bed.

"Well that's strange..."

Maybe it was just a safety thing. Zoro opened the drawer closest to the bed, there was a pack of cigarettes, a lighter, a.. pink vibrator? And an open letter. Zoro picked up the letter and slowly slid the paper out. He was just interested, that's it.

Mr Prince!

I really love your work, I watch all of your videos when they come out! Your so pretty and I wish I was all the guys who get to fuck you, I adore you so much that I sometimes watch you go into your house everyday, I see you through your window when you're changing. I take photos. I want you to film something with me! Then those photos won't have to go online. Meet me at this address- _____ , I love you Mr. Prince!

Zoro put the slip of paper back into the envelope.

"What a fucking weirdo."

He placed the letter back into the drawer.

God, is all his fan mail like this?

There was a pile of more letters on a table, he didn't even want to read the rest, god knows what kind of creeps had written to him. Zoro felt something bubbling inside of him, jealousy. He was jealous that Mr. Prince wasn't just his, Mr. Prince had banged lots of people, but for some reason it was only now making Zoro upset. 

Zoro's phone buzzed.

He rummaged in his pocket and pulled his phone up to his ear.

"Yellow? Fu- hello, I meant hello. Not yellow," 

"Zoro, kid, where are you? I came back home and you weren't there did you get lost again? I swear to god if I have to insert a tracker into your brain-,"

"Hi dad, the car kinda broke down so a friend helped me get it fixed and I stayed at his house."


"Dad stop."

"You have FRIENDS?"

"I'll be back soon."

"Since when did you have any-,"

Zoro hung up, sighing and putting his phone back into his pocket.

Zoro put what looked like torture equipment back into the drawer where he found it and began to pack up every trace of him from Mr. Princes house.

He read the note once more, trying to remember where the garage was. Apparently it was just down the road, easy enough.

Zoro was sad to leave the nice house, in was warm in a good way, and Zoro felt somewhat safe. It only took about half an hour to find his way to the crappy looking garage. He banged on the door a bit before waiting. There wasn't an answer. Zoro was about to knock again before it suddenly opened.

"Why the fuck are you banging on my door at half eight in the bloody morning?" A older man stepped out from the door, he looked about Mihawks age. He was a little shorter than Zoro but that seemed to be mainly due to the prosthetic leg that held his right thigh up. He had a long beard, each side braided neatly, he wore simple mechanic gear and had some ash of some sort smeared over his face.

"Sorry, um- I think you have my uh- my car?" 

The man raised a bushy blonde eyebrow.

"You tell me then we'll both know, do I have your car? I don't fuckin know."

"Uh, Mr. Pri- I- I meant, Sanji, sent me here to uh- get my car." The name still felt strange on Zoro's lips.

The man's face un-scrunched, and he stepped aside.

"Come in then."


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