A Blank Being

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Edited: April 2024

Suddenly her eyes opened. It was white...only white. She then remembered.

"Not this again," she sighed and sat up. Again--like last time, it was a white room. There was a floor but it was white; there was not a definite end to the walls nor celling; even if there were, it would still be white. Not even shadows appeared in this plain, well...except for it. 

"Mornin' Y/N--or goodnight? I don't know the concept of time--time is irrelevant here!"It yells. The Light Being was just further ahead of her. It sat in one of those 2020 e-girl's aesthetic pink gaming chair with a pink controller of some sort in his hands; it looked to be an XBOX ONE controller. It turned to her and although this thing had no face, it was obvious It was grinning ear-to-ear. "Remember me?"

Y/N sighed once again, "of course I do, God of Anime..." She rolled her eyes.

You can only tell this Blank Being was a Being due to the shady outline of a humanoid figure. "Currectomundo kiddo!" It yelled exuberantly. "It is I--!"

"I already said your name dumbs."

"Shhhh!" It then cleared his throat and completed it's 'introduction' in a booming voice. "IT IS I! The one--the only, ANIME GOD!"

"God, you're so dramatic--"

"Shush, or I'm not gonna let you live out your little dream you got going on."

Y/N stared at It blankly before sinking her knees in almost a tantrum-ish way, "Fineee."

"Great!" It yelled, standing up from It's chair. "Okay then," It put down the controller on It's desk. "Let's get this stuff outta the way," It motioned It's hands in a sweeping motion, pushing away all the furniture in a split second. The both of them were left in the white abyss with no static object to focus on. 

"So...where are you taking me this time?" She asked, crossing her arms.

"Well, I've caught wind of your little trip down nostalgia lane," It walks towards her. "Especially your little obsession with a certain someone...You know--it's funny that the only reason you are starting to read the manga is just for Edward--"

"WAIT..." she had to think for a second. "You mean Edward Midford!"

"Yup!" It giggled, placing a blank hand on her shoulder. "I heard your calls, my child." It said in a smouldering voice. "Anyways..." It slapped her back, pushing her forward.


"You know the drill~" It said, then snapped her back into her room. 

A leather bag strapped over her shoulder, she goes through her things, picking up what's most special to her. Thankfully, since her last experience with time travel shifting, she prepared some historical replicas. A small leather bound notebook, a case of charcoal and graphite pencils--no one would notice it's not lead, and a cloth rag. As well, she brought her grandmothers pearl necklace, her own lucky ring and her old fashion hat she bought a little bit ago. "I'm ready," she shouts before getting snapped back into the white void. 

"Okay, okay...it's giving train conductor chic~" It said with a sassy pose. The gay stance--if you will. 

(a/n: your author is bisexual)

"Okay, anyways!" It slammed his hands together. "Ready, Freddy?"

"Yup," she responded in a casual matter although was really excited it actuality. 

A long piece of paper appeared out of no where in It's hands and small circle glasses sitting where It's nose bridge should be. "So--uhh, you know the delio. You'll be in direct contact with the main characters, you'll be uncharge of your own backstory--yada yada yah..." It muttered, jabbering through whatever kinda contract It was holding. As It spoke It's next stream of words, blood red petals started to fall all around Y/N, disappearing before they fell to her feet. "OH, and you'll be able to stay for as long as you want with no time passing in your current reality; YOUR SAFE WORD IS APPLEBEE'S!"



(a/n: So where do you think Reader is going to end up, hm? How will she get in direct contact with the characters? Stay tuned to find out!)

Re-Write: Eunoia [Edward x FEM!Y/N]Where stories live. Discover now