A Carriage Ride

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Unedited: April 2024

Well, there she was. Sitting in a carriage opposite to the little homie himself, Seal Phantomhive--Ciel Phantomhive. They sat in silence, the air dummy-thicc and awkward. Girly sat in his blue fit, his tall ass beaver hat on his head, and his cane placed firmly on the floor. 

Getting a closer look at him, she could notice all of his details. Y/N could see why that one guy would wanted to turn the little man into a doll. He was so cute! His grumpy chihuahua face and his frilly frills, big hat and big coat made him look like an actual doll. 

Like the anime and manga, he was intimidating irl.

Y/N occasionally looked out the window, honestly in awe at all the old atmosphere. At that time, Ciel occasionally took glances at her.

"Are you an orphan?" he suddenly asked, surprising her a bit. 

"Well, not really--I mean..." she sighed. "In all honestly, I woke up in an alley and...and I am not sure how I came to be there."

"So you say..." he started, looking into her soul with his eyes--or...eye. Y/N didn't show fear nor any indication that she was lying. "Well for now, I will host you and we will speak more of the matter at morning tea."

"Thank you," she said softly, her eyes wandering back to the window.

After a few more minutes of the occasional bump in the road, the Phantomhive Manor came into view. The anime did no justice to how it looked like in real life, that being, absolutely exquisite. Y/N always admired old architecture, especially the 19th century. 

The carriage stopped in front of the entrance of the manor. Once the carriage door was opened by Sebastian, both stood up only for them to simultaneously sit down.   

"After you," Ciel offered, gesturing a hand to the door. 

Y/N muttered a small thank you before holding onto Sebby's hand and standing off to the side when out. The kid walked casually up to the front of the HUGEEE fucking house, waiting for a minute till Sebastian could open it.

Raquel followed behind with Sebby, looking all around in amazement. God, it was beautiful. The wooden details in the banister, the sparkling clean floors--everything was gorgeous.

"Put her in a room and get her something..."Ciel then sighed. He then continued,"proper to wear."

"Very well, Young Master." Sebastian bowed with a smile as Ciel continued on his way upstairs. 

He then turned to Y/N with a polite look. God, he's sexy. 

"Please, come with me, Miss L/N. I will send my colleague, May-Rin, to treat your ankle and set you up for the night."

Y/N nodded her head and just followed him, keeping up her small limping act. 

Finally, she was brought to one of the manors many rooms. "Here you are," Sebastian opened the door for her and let her walk inside. It was a 'medium sized--' at least medium size for a huge ass house, room that faced the garden. The room had a theme of green and gold. There was a beautiful canopy bed with fluffy white pillows and muted lime green sheets, lined with a gold colour. There was then a wardrobe and two bedside tables, one with a small lit candelabra. "Our maid should be arriving shortly thus I shall bid you good night."

"Thank you," Y/N said with a small smile. He then left her in the room only lit by a few candles. Y/N opened the curtains, letting the light from the moon shine in. "I'm here...I'm really here..." she muttered. 

It was stupid how much this series meant to her. Really--if she thought about it, she wouldn't be the same person as she is now; Black Butler was reason why her interest in classical history occurred. Now staring at the cold sky, the dim light casting shadows within the garden, she couldn't help but feel a strange wave of nostalgia wash over her. In all honestly, she wanted to cry but a knock soon interrupted her. She wiped her tears before answering. 

"Come in."

The wooden door creaked open with the new sound of heels. It was May-Rin. She held a fancy porclin-bucket thing that the author could not remember what it was called, a small jug of water and a cloth on the side. She pushed open the door with her butt, trembling until she could put down the tray. "Hello, Miss. L/N." Her voice was annoying just as it was in the anime but GOD SHE WAS SO PRETTY.

"H-hi," Y/N said a little shyly.

"Mr. Sebastian said you hurt you ankle? I brought some supplies--although now that I look at it I think I may've brought too much."

"My ankle hurts a little, I must've twisted it..." Y/N said, now looking at the woman. 

"WEll, first let's put you in your night gown for tonight!"

"U-um, yeah." Y/N agreed. May-Rin shut the curtains as Y/N began to unclip her suspenders. May-Rin opened the wardrobe and pulled out a shift, it was plain but pretty. She turned away, letting Y/N to change in privacy before tending to her ankle minutes later. With a propped up foot and an icepack on her ankle, May-Rin left, leaving her to drift off to sleep.

(a/n: Okay, so that's why Ciel's a little lenient on her...orphan to orphan--at least, that's what he thinks. Hopefully he wouldn't see past her facade, it's not like he doesn't use people for pawns, right? I mean she's here for one thing and one thing only, that being Edward's D**k--)

Re-Write: Eunoia [Edward x FEM!Y/N]Where stories live. Discover now