HOT Saviour

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Edited: April 2024

She fell onto the ground of the very dark alley way, with a grunt; the remaining petals falling upon the ground and upon her body. The palms of her hands now scraped by the sharp cobble stone. "God..." she sighed as she picked up herself, dusting off her filthy hands and clothes which were now different. A white blouse with suspenders, brown trousers and loafers.

"The Anime God really went for the 'starving victorian child' aesthetic, huh..."

Y/N looked out of the alley into the main street. Fancy men and woman strolling; carriages trotting down the road with the occasional horse noise things that horses do, piercing the light chatter of the few left walking by. It was near the dusk, the light almost gone, leaving the lonely street cold and a bit more quieter.

"Okay, Y/N..." she sighed, giving herself a pep talk to walk out. Stuffing her long H/C hair into her cap and fixing it on her head she walked out into the streets.

As she walked, a few people pass her, not even taking a glance at her. She was probably in a fancy neighbourhood.

"First impression: People are kinda stuck up..." she mumbled, continuing her way. There was another shady alley up ahead so she decided to cross the street, might as well explore, right?

After looking both ways, she walked with a little pep in her step as she crossed the street.

Out of nowhere, a carriage with a spooked horse wizzed by, throwing her off her balance. Luckily, a pair of arms grabbed her torso and pulled her onto the side walk, her back hitting the person's chest.

"What is a young lady like yourself wandering the streets of London by her lonesome?" A man's voice asked. The voice was posh, polished with a silky smooth ring to the ear. Basically, it was a really hot British voice.


"Is the young man well!" Yelled the driver of the carriage, running toward the two. The horse now calm and parked just ahead.

"Excuse me, Miss." Her saviour polity said, shifting her to sit on the curb, handing back her hat with a kind smile. "It fell."

He then walked over to the man, the only words she heard being "we are just fine."

Guy was tall, in a butler kinda suit with one of those tail coat thingys. He's pale, lengthy, with a black funky haircut. His smile that was weirdly charming was familiar.

"Skinny, butler, black hair, red eyes..." she muttered to herself. Once the man put his glove hand to his chest it came to her.

'HOLY SHIT!' she freaked out in her head. It was Sebastian--Sebby if you will. She was never one of those girls who'd simp over the guy but HOT DAMN! After seeing that man up close--like she could touch his face, damn... He could step on her and she'd say "thank you."

"Miss...Miss?" Y/N snapped out of her daze to look into his red eyes.


"Is everything alright? Are you hurt?..." he asked with--what looked like, with complete sincerity. Y/N blinked with a blush as the gears started to turn in her head.

Acting time. "I am well ankle hurts a little..." she put a hand onto her ankle, rubbing it but flinched her hand away a bit.

"Well, that is good..." he paused for a moment before speaking again after a little sigh. "Young Miss, do you belong anywhere at this time?" he asked her. Y/N shook head, her gaze lingering on her lap.

"Bring her," a bold voice ordered. Behind her was a short kid with an old man cane standing with his back faced toward them. After turning around, showcasing his profile, she could finally recognize him. He looked different since everything wasn't animated anymore; he wasn't just on her screen anymore. He had pale skin, although had more colour than Sebby's ghost-lookin' ass.

His hair was the same colour and length; he also had such a cute button nose which she couldn't help find adorable about him. She never really had a crush on Ciel when she was a kid but just seeing him now, she wanted to squish his face.

Sebastian nodded, "Of course, Young Master..." and helped Y/N up. "Please, allow my young master to host you at the Phantomhive Mannor."

"I um..." She had to think about her next words carefully. "I don't...know. I do not know who you are..."

"My name is Sebastian Michaelis, butler to my Young Master, Ciel Phantomhive, the head of Funtom corporation. It is a toy company." He added with a smile. "I assure you..." he then whispered, "my Master being young..." he then switched back to his normal voice, "would never hurt a young lady. We shall treat your hurt ankle as well."

She hesitated for a second but nodded her head, "I accept but...I will not hessite to leave if I feel unsafe or uncomfortable."

"Of course, Miss...and may I ask you name?"

"Y/N L/N, Sir..."

"Very well, Miss L/N. shall I aid you to walk?"

"I-I am able to...walk," she slurred, her ears feeling a little hot.

"Very well," he said once again, offering an arm for her to take and help her to stand up. She took his arm and stood up, staggering a bit to make her injury seem real. She walked with a little limp. Her hat on her head but hair no longer stuffed.

Now this was going to get interesting.

(a/n: Damn, so I guess that's how she met them. So she had little brush of death but she got saved in the end by a hot guy so that's a plus. I wonder why Ciel is being nice and stuff, taking her in for the night... sounds a little sus but oh well. Find out next time!)

Re-Write: Eunoia [Edward x FEM!Y/N]Where stories live. Discover now