I'm not smart...but I'm smart enough to know you're sus

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Unedited: June 11th

Ciel sat with a pout—or a scowl or whatever kinda face that bratty look was. "Sebastian, when is that woman going to get here already? The tea's growing cold," he huffed.

"I am sure the young Miss. will join us shortly, Young Master." Sebby reassured him; a hand over his heart with that sexy cute-ass smile he does.

"If she's trying to make a good first impression, she's doing a terrible job." He spat his words then sipped his tea; earl gray, as per usual.

"I must say—although I cannot put my finger on it, there is something different about that girl."

"Hm?" Ciel put down his cup, "whatever do you bloody mean?"

"I think it's best to keep her on a tight leash," he put a gloved finger up to his lips; his eyes casted down I thought before lifting. "She does not seem like a threat but than again, I may be wrong."

"When are you ever wrong?" Ciel scoffed with an amused smile. "She's just a street rat that was almost ran over but you had to just save her," he rolled his eyes.

Sebastian sighed with a light smile. His master was a boy through and through.

"Well, if I am to appear a simple butler, what kind of butler would I be if not to same a young lady in distress?"

To that, Ciel rolled his eyes and at that moment, the limping Y/N started to hobble down the pathway.

"You're late," Ciel said with incredible sass. God, he can be a brat but, does she want to name her first child, 'Ciel?' Yes.

Y/N nervously inhaled and exhaled, "no one told me where to go..." She simply said, finally now at the steps of the gazebo.

"Please, sit." Ciel asked of her, putting a hand out and gestured to the seat in from of him.

She nodded and simply smiled but when she went to pull the seat out, Sebastian was already behind her, waiting for her to sit down. Her facade somewhat falters--which Ciel notices, but she regains her smile and sat down. After pushing her in, Sebastian left her side and poured her some tea.

"I hope Earl Grey suits your pallet, Miss?..." Rather than confusion striking his face as he trails off, it was almost as if he demanded an answer from her.

"L/N-- and Earl Grey is just fine; I rather like it."

"Good," he smiled. "Please, go ahead. You must be famished from the events of last night." He nodded to her. Y/n knew what he was doing. It's quite obvious that he was getting her comfy to grill her later on. She had to take her next steps very carefully.

"Thank you," she returned the smile; stretching her neck and straightening her back casually as she picks up her tea cup saucer. With slightly shaky hands, she held the china tea cup up to her lips, sipping the scolding tea that burned her tongue but fought through it. China clacking together, she put down the cup with the saucer underneath.

No words were spoken as he just stared at her, hoping Y/N would get nervous enough to spout out something sus. She's not that dumb; although she failed high school math twice, she became honour student in English for a reason. She wrote bullshit like that so she knew the bullshit he was doing. He's trying to get her to talk first.

After what felt like a century, his poker face and intense eye contact (although he blinked and she didn't so he sucks) broke as he took a sweet. "Pray tell, how did a young woman like yourself find herself walking about the streets?" He asked with his eyes glued to the sweet he had on his plate.

"I'm not sure."

He raised his brow, same does Sebastian. "You're not...sure?" Ciel asked, now confused rather than hyper suspicious.

"Miss. L/N, how is it that you are not certain about how you came to be on the streets?" Sebastian added with concern--at least it sounded sincere.

"Just what I said..." Y/N hoped this was gonna go well. "I woke up in an alley and started walking, simple as that."

His silence made it clear that he wanted her to continue talking BUT, just to give him the taste of his own medicine, she took a small sandwich-thing and took a bite out of it. After a moment of silence while she ate and took a sip of her tea, she finally spoke. "I wasn't just going to stand around, that isn't very bright." Her words very fluent and a matter-of-fact.

"We're you perhaps intoxicated?"

She knew that he knew that she wasn't intoxicated. He wanted to know if she was willing to lie and bend the obvious truth; so, when she said "no," he knew he wasn't dealing with a dumb woman.

"Hm...interesting." Was all he said, nodding his head with a flat face. He then harshly inhaled than exhaled sharply before speaking. "Well, I am guessing you're homeless so you may stay here until we find a better fit for you. I'll be out all day and I expect you'll keep yourself entertained, hm?"

Before Y/N could nod, Sebby interrupted. "Young Lord, The Marchioness and Lady Elizabeth are scheduled to join you for afternoon tea."

As soon as he mentioned Lizzy, Y/N perked up meanwhile Ciel sighed frustratingly. "I forgot..." he seemed absolutely devastated. It was honesty so funny to see in real life. "I guess there's no way avoiding it," he concluded then directed his attention to Y/N. "Miss. L/N, it would seem I have very important guests this afternoon and request that you stay in your room. Sebastian will send May-Rin to deliver your lunch and by no circumstance may you exit your room." His final words were rather strong, this, kind of surprising her.

She nodded, not really knowing what to say, soon after continuing this morning tea with normalcy.

The taste couldn't nearly rival the awkwardness in the air. Dummy thicc with two 'C's. The tea went on casually—well, as casual as it could be when a one-eyed blueberry is starting at you and a demon hovers above you.

Y/N could've asked about his 'guests' but didn't. Instead, she let he thoughts wonder.

Y/N somehow needed to introduce herself to Lizzy; which sounds easy, since Lizzy's a pretty friendly girl, but, how was the question. Chances are that Sebby is gonna be to occupied with everyone so no one will be there to monitor whether she stays in her room or not.

Y/N wasn't quite sure what she's do to meet Lizzy but, the Anime God, said she'd be in direct contact with the characters so...she's gonna hope for the best. Welp, this is gonna be fun.

(a/n: stay tuned for next chapter cus HOLY SHITT we're getting close!! You guys have been so patient with me but we're finally getting there. If you didn't know, I have a Tumblr (@ rikusempai ) where I write one shots and headcannons so while you're waiting in between chapters, you can take a gander! Also, I think I already said this but, this is all silly and goofy "Gen Z" writing style so in no way this is how I actually write—believe me, I'm better than this. So, let me have my fun while writing this.)

How the hell is Y/N going to meet Lizzy when she's forbidden to leave her room? Don't ask me cus I don't know. Leave you're guesses in the comments. Maybeee you'd be right...


Re-Write: Eunoia [Edward x FEM!Y/N]Where stories live. Discover now