There are two different kinds of people in this world; people like me, and people like Luke. Pretty much being the differences between reality and a completely bizarre, made-up world, consisting of ailurophile psychopaths, living out their days wearing a delusional smile, bouncing around obsessing over penguins, and pretending that the world is a happy place. In conclusion, proving that we are polar opposites who would NEVER ever be able to stand the presence of each other. Him being the light that "lifts" me into the clouds. I hate light. And me being the depressing "goth" chick who brings him down. But some people can be surprising.
And also, I am not goth. I simply like rock music and wear all black, all the time. Maybe because I am mourning the death of my happiness while performing an ancient revival ritual for my long-dead cat, but actually because I like black. I prefer to brood amongst my thoughts, being the demure person I am, and then there's Luke.
Luke defines joy. Simply put, he reminds me of an overly zealous puppy, after getting back from an exciting walk, down the same path it goes everyday, and has found a rock. A fun rock. That's Luke. For the incredibly large guy he is, he couldn't be more innocent. He is a rather comely person, having huge blue eyes with a childish ebullience, his blonde hair piling on top of his head, adding a good 3 inches to his already 6'4" frame.
After being my best friend since birth, he couldn't possibly make me look any more revolting. Being tall and handsome, and I'm tall and ugly.
I prefer a book and a cup of tea, and he used to sit right next to me while I read. Sometimes even reading over my shoulder. Most would think that's cute and all but it was about the most obnoxious thing ever. Luke just may be the slowest reader on this freakin planet. I would have finished the entire page of Gone with the Wind and he would be in the first paragraph. It used to just be the two of us.
Some things have to go unsaid, while some things should have but didn't. And then there's the times that you think it would be better to not say anything at all, but follow your gut. Honestly, if you think something should be said, say it, because this could be an opportunity. One that doesn't come around as often as it should, and then if you don't follow your instincts something you could have had didn't happen. Of course this is me referring to the time I was walking down the street and a sketchy guy asks me if I want a puppy and I say "No" and walk away. But seriously, I could have had a puppy! That's one of those times where you don't take an opportunity and then BOOM it's gone.
And that's why I have my rules of life: 1.Take every opportunity offered. 2. Only say what's required, nobody actually cares. 3. Never say "no". Of course for number three there are exceptions, like say no to a rapist, say no to a questions in which the answer is no, but NEVER say no to a chance for an adventure.

FanfictionMaybe sometimes sticking around isn't your best option... In a fraction of a moment, I could change it all. My life, my weight, my relationships, my job, everything without any sort of resistance. With a snap of my fingers, my world could turn aroun...