A prolonged beep followed by the commotion of frantic doctors is the first sound to meet my ears. Pretty much sums up this world, something is saved, only to become worse.
Opening my eyes is the hardest thing to ever be accomplished. After that, the rest of my day will go down hill, so it's hard to knowingly open your eyes when that is the result. A halo of whiteness clouds my vision as my eyes flicker open. Blinding hospital lights dangle over me, with antiseptic aromas floating through the air.
"Hey Lexi" I hear a deep but gentle voice call from a chair across the room. "Have a nice nap?" he smiles, but I can clearly see the dark bags under his eyes.
"Really Luke? Don't you have something better to do than stare at a sleeping girl?"
"Not really," he claims, rising from his chair, "Not when it's my best and only friend." He starts to direct the conversation towards the reason I'm here. We have had this conversation all 8 times I've been here, and each time it changes nothing. He knows I love him. I know he loves me. But even a friendship since second grade can't prevent destiny. I'm destined to die. It's quite a simple matter."Don't." I say as I stare into his glossy blue eyes. We both know what I'm referring to.
"Wasn't gonna" he claims, plopping down next to me, "Just gonna say I missed ya while you were out" Trying to get a hold as to how long I've been 'out', I pull out his phone to look at the date. july 18, 2015. Only three days, better than last time.."Hey, doctor says no screens while you're recovering. After your surgery, they had to implant some radioactive sonar trackers to ensure this doesn't happen again. and the stitches in your arms may be disrupted by the radio waves emanating from your hand-held device. " he smiles at me as he yanks his phone back out of my hands.
"You've gotta be kidding!" I say angrily. That's impossible! I'm literally addicted to my phone like most people and having some grown douchebag tell me I can't use it will only cause some issues imma whoop his ass imma hurt him i'll take his phone see how he likes it, I'll show this son of a... "Wait what?"
"I'm kidding! chill! I don't even want to know what you were thinking by the look on your face." he laughs as he pushes my burgundy hair from my face.A serious look washes over his cheerful face, as he looks into my green eyes, he whispers, "Why did you do it this time? Was it because of your birthday again?"

FanfictionMaybe sometimes sticking around isn't your best option... In a fraction of a moment, I could change it all. My life, my weight, my relationships, my job, everything without any sort of resistance. With a snap of my fingers, my world could turn aroun...