Mattheo Riddle - mine

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Just a week ago, Mattheo and I were hooking up in between classes, after class, on the weekends, even in broom closets every so often. The last time we did it, he let it slip that he loves me.

Out of complete shock, I punch him in the face. It wasn't because I was mad, or because I didn't feel the same, it was just that I knew something like that was coming and I was scared. But after fixing his bloody nose, I said it back.

So, knowing how fucking hard that was for both of us, why would he be escorting a small brunette Ravenaw girl to all of her classes, and taking her to diagon alley on the weekends?

"She's such a bitch, I don't understand why you're friends with her," the same little brunette girl says in Mattheos ear which she thinks I can't hear even though she's at the table directly next to mine.

We're in potions, bored as always. Lorenzo continues to make little paper balls out of his parchment and flick then at me attempting to get my attention.

"I mean, she's a complete asshole, and don't even get me started on her family. They're trash, just like she is-"

Before she can say anymore, I grab Lorenzo and I's potion off of our table and walk over to the girl and Mattheos table. I pretend to trip and dump the whole thing all over her and her bag on the floor.

"Oh my merlin, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to drop it, I was just trying to show professor Snape our potion," I lie, feining guilt.

"You bitch!" She screams, immediately standing up causing her chair to fall backwards.

Mattheo sits open mouthed staring at the mess.

Immediately, Snape walks over to the mess, his beady eyes darting between the three of us.

"Miss y/l/n, what is going on here?" He demands calmly, yet intimidatingly.

"I was just trying to bring you our potion to check sir, but I tripped and accidentally spilled our potion on this poor girl," I say. Snape can obviously tell I'm lying, but the hint of a smirk on his lips lets me know he doesn't care.

"You know to stay at your desk and wait for me to come around, miss y/l/n. Clean it up, and don't let it happen again," Snape briskly walks away back to his desk as I take out my wand and cast a cleaning charm.

When I go back to my table, I hear the brunette girl whine.

"What about me? She's ruined my clothes!"

"It's a harmless potion miss (g/l/n), I'm sure you'll survive."

Lorenzo and I smirk at Snape's remark at the girl, and watch as she gets up and stomps out of the room.

"What was that for?" Lorenzo whispers in my ear.

I shrug, "fun."

He gives me a suspicious look, but shakes his head and turns back to his book.

I glance over at mattheo who is already looking at me, a hungry look almost evident in his expression.

I got you Riddle.


Later in th common room, I find the Ravenclaw girl talking to a group of Slytherin boys about what happened, and more about how she hates my family. Her skirt is short and her blouse is unbuttoned at the top, so of course they're all paying attention, not caring that a Ravenclaw is in the Slytherin common room.

"I mean she's so jealous Mattheo chose to fuck me over her, she has to act like a child!" They all slightly chuckle, still not really paying attention to what she's saying.

She's pissing me off. Spreading rumors about me, talking about Mattheo while he's literally on the other side of the room.

Not sure what I'm doing completely, I go up to the girl and punch her in the face as hard as I can. All the boys who previously surrounded her scatter. She yelps from the pain, and before she has the chance to do anything else, I punch her again.

Mattheo doesn't do anything, just stands there in shock for a moment before slyly smirking at me.

"The fuck are you smiling at, she just hit me!" The girl screams. Mattheo glances at her before looking back and me and leaning against the wall with his arms crossed.

"Are you acting out of jealousy, or just had a bad day?" He sarcastically teases.

"You're next if you don't shut the fuck up," I say heatedly then turn back to the girl.

I grab her by her ponytail and pull her head back to look at me.

"If you ever say anything bad about me again, or any of my friends for that matter, I will bash your face into the ground until all of your teeth fall out, do you hear me?" I say through gritted teeth.

The girl looks at me full of anger and reaches for her wand, but before she can reach it I snatch it away from her and throw it across the room.

By now everyone on the common room is watching, but I'm far too angry to care.

"Do you fucking hear me?"

"Yes, I fucking hear you," she growls.

I let go of her ponytail and before I turn away, punch her one more time.

"What the fuck was that one for?" She whines.

"Because I hate your fucking face."

I grab my bag off of the floor then start my way up to my dorm.

Hearing footsteps behind me, I turn around and find Mattheo following behind me.

"Why are you following me? Your little bitch is the one you need to be checking on." I say about to turn back around, before mattheo grabs my wrist and pulls me down the few steps there are between us, catching me before I can fall.

"Did it make you jealous? Seeing me with her?" He smirks. That stupid fucking smirk.

"Why the fuck does it matter," I stand up straight and shove him away from me.

But before I can go anywhere, he has my wrist again and pulls me back to him so my chest is pressed against his.

"I'll take that as a yes," he says before smashing his lips against mine.

Before things can go any further, I pull away and take his jaw in my hand.

"You're mine, Mattheo, do you understand that?"

He smiles at me, his eyes glossed over. "Yes ma'am."



Sorry if this was a little cringy, it just seems so Mattheo coded. Anyway, sorry for not posting in a bit, I'll try and get back on the grind soon.


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