Mattheo Riddle - 🚬

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Mattheo had been smoking cigarettes for as long as any of us knew him. He used it as a coping mechanism in the beginning, but it had soon become an addiction. I've wanted him to stop, but I never truly knew why. Lots of people smoked, so why did I hate it so much when he did it? Eventually I started smoking too, simply to understand why he couldn't stop. But then I couldn't stop.

It was just after dinner, and I was getting ready to sneak off to the second floor girls bathroom to smoke. I could do it in my dorm, but I didn't want the smell lingering.

I leave, walking down the corridor as quietly and quickly as possible, making my way to the second floor. I was almost there when suddenly I heard someone clear their throat behind me. For a moment I thought I had surely been caught. But when I turn around, to my surprise I find Mattheo standing in the middle of the hall with his hands in his pockets, his eyebrows knitted together as if he's wondering why I'm here.

"Mattheo, Jesus you scared me," I let out a breath of relief, my heart slowing pace a bit.

"What're you doing out so late?" He asks suspiciously.

"I could ask you the same thing. But I won't, and you shouldn't either," I turn around to continue on my way wanting to get this interaction over with as quickly as possible.

"You've been sneaking out late a lot huh," he says as his footsteps get closer behind me.

"Yeah, well I would tell you why but I prefer to stay mysterious," I turn around to face him once more, much closer than before.

He says nothing, but looks down at my pajama pants pocket where the outline of my pack of cigarettes and lighter is prominent through the fabric. Before I can say anything more Mattheo reaches his hand into my pocket and pulls them out.

"Really Hailey?" He says with a disappointed look on his face.

"you do it, why can't I?"

"Oh don't do that, don't pull that card,"

"What card? Mattheo, I started in the first place because you wouldn't stop. I wanted to know why, and now I do," I say snatching them out of his hand and stuffing them back into my pocket.

"And now you can't stop either," he says, his voice low.

I look down at his chin and shake my head, "no, I can't."

No more words are exchanged between us for a moment, and I'm sure he's upset at me. I turn to walk away and continue my way to the bathroom before he grabs my arm and pulls me in the direction from which we just came.

"What're you doing? Mattheo let go,"

"Just come on," he let's go of my arm and turns to face me, "please."

I open my mouth to refuse but looking in his low eyes I don't. Instead, I sigh and begin walking toward him.

"Fine. But where are we going?"

"You'll see,"

We walk for a few minutes until I can tell he's leading me to the astronomy tower. When we get there's he stands behind the ledge and holds his hand out to me. I look at it confused until he jestures to my pocket. I pull out the cigarettes and hand them to him along with the lighter. I think he's going to throw them, or keep them until he opens the pack, takes one out then hands them back as he lights his. I watch him as I do the same.

"Do you like it?" He asks before taking a drag of his cigarette.

"Like what?"

"My haircut," he rolls his eyes, "smoking, idiot, do you like smoking?"

"Oh," I take a second and take a drag before answering, "no. It makes me feel sick, but it also makes my brain feel nice if that makes sense."

Mattheo nods as he takes another drag. I silently examine him, his features. His lips wrapped around the cigarette, his cheeks indented as he sucks in the smoke. It's almost beautiful watching him smoke.

"I didn't mean to start," I say quietly, "it just kinda helps, I didn't expect that,"

"I know. I would make you stop but, that would make me a hypocrite wouldn't it,"

"Make me?" I say challengingly.

"Yes, make you."

I furrow my brows and my lip curls, "yeah, ok."

We smoke the rest of our cigarettes in silence, our elbows resting next to each other on the ledge. In my mind, I decide this is a private moment between us, one we're not going to bring up again, but one I know I'll think of often.

"Want me to walk you back?" He asks as we finish.

"Sure," I reply then we both set off on our way to my dorm. We don't talk much on the way there, mostly so we don't get caught but also because there's nothing to really say.

Finally we reach my dorm. We stand there for a second in silence.

"Goodnight Hailey," he finally says looking me in the eyes.

"Goodnight Mattheo," I say back not breaking eye contact.

He smiles softly before turning around, hands in pockets, and disappears down the corridor.



Sorry for not posting lately, I started school recently and have no motivation anymore😀


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30 ⏰

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