Mattheo Riddle headcanons

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- very obsessive if he actually takes a liking to you

- has 0 female friends

- has a thing for girls with curly and/or dark hair

- not a chain smoker, but he does smoke cigarettes more than most people

- keeps a journal

- for sure writes poetry

- he hates having stubble, so he shaves his face often (but he barely grows facial hair so he doesn't even need to)

- if you two are dating, he will keep every single thing you have ever given him, even if it's just the wrapper to a piece of gum, he keeps it in a box well hidden in his room and goes through it every so often

- Insomniac, but loves to take naps after classes (preferably in your dorm)

-He is openly such a snacker, but suspiciously you never catch him eating 🤔

-gives the best most comforting hugs you've ever received, but will only give them to you



I'm gonna make these for all of them, but idk if I should like make more than one for each, or just put a few a move on. Im probably gonna make more than one for each, but we'll see <3

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