12 - New life

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Geto gazed at Akari, this moment with her so tranquil. It was a stark contrast to how he felt up until meeting her.
She sat admiring the flowers around them, the setting sun, casting a lovely glow, making the colours of the flora stand out.

Suguru sat thinking about his life that year. When Amanai first passed and the days that followed. How everyone became self absorbed, and how lost he felt. Reaching out to them felt bothersome.

Geto remembered the others improving while he remained stagnant. He felt left behind. How could they carry on so unaffected? He almost didn't want to be friends with such selfish people. Geto locked himself up in his room. Avoided their company, and declined their offers to hang out. Just hearing them laugh and seeing them smile those days, made his ears burn, his heart ache and twist.

It felt like disrespect, as if they mocked and ridiculed the events that happened.
He was in a state of mourning, feeling somber, left-out, hopeless, pathetic. Full of self-loathing and exhaustion. How many times he would re-examine and wonder what he could do, so that things were different.

Then he met Yuki and she spoke of their world. Highlighting that what they did was damage control. They didn't treat the cause, which was prevent curses from forming. Her theory was to end the human race or stop their emotions so that they wouldn't cause further damage.

At which point, Suguru was experiencing conflicting thoughts. He didn't want to be the bad one, he didn't believe such measures should even have to be considered.

He would wake up, hoping it would be the end. Life became mundane, colours dissappeared, sound, taste, touch, it all vanished. Trudging along day by day, doing things for the sake of it.

Until one day, a bright powerful light came into his life, banishing all thoughts of evil. She made him see life differently, every colour, sound, touch and taste now had more meaning than it ever had. Simple things became exciting.
He found that he looked forward to the next morning now.

A single tear formed, spilling down. A smile spreading on his face. She encouraged the good in him, and where there wasn't any for him, she created good.

Geto thought back to the scene when they were fighting off that thing at the village, she just willingly, selflessly stepped in. The blade sliced through her but she still smiled, looking at him with watery eyes that shone with love.

He shook his head, snapping out of his thoughts. He grabbed her and hugged her tight, "I love you Akari!" He said squeezing her tightly. "You're so amazing, thank you for everything." He said, holding her tighter.

"All I did was switch the light on..." she said teasingly. "No darling, you are the light." He said with emphasis, purpose. He shut his eyes, basking in their embrace.

Pulling away, she wiped his tears away.
"I love you too." She said kissing his cheek. Geto's eyes turned serious, darling at the feel of her lips on his face.

"Kari.... when I,..... shrugged away that day, here... I felt ..... I didn't...", he hassled and stuttered, unsure of how to word what he wanted to explain.
She held his hand, "I know" she said simply. Geto studied her, "You do?" He asked.

She nodded smiling, "Yeah, I understood. You were worried for me, but Suguru, this same mouth that absorbs those curses, can speak sweet words. You can't think badly of yourself." She said.

His eyes welled up with emotion. They leaned in slowly, his lips grazing hers softly. It felt wonderful, remarkable.
Tentatively he brushed his lips agaisnt hers, getting used to each other. He darted his tongue out involuntarily, which made her gasp.

They deepened their kiss, firmly sucking and molding their lips in a slanted way. They broke away after a few minutes. Pressing their foreheads together, exhaling. "I knew you'd taste deliciously sweet!" She said, smiling up at him. Geto watched her, the tension easing out, the two burst out laughing.

A Suguru Geto Romance - His LightWhere stories live. Discover now