Chapter 5: Gloria

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Just like Michael asked, Jack pulled up to the diner at closing time. The lights were still on inside, and there was one other car in the parking lot. It was an even bigger pickup truck than Jack had. Jack was sort of hoping he'd find Brian's car, too. Where was Brian, anyway? He said he was going to be here, right?

Did Jack even ask him to come? He'd certainly like someone else here for his first time searching for ghosts, someone other than the dad of the woman he wanted to date.

As he walked to the entrance of the diner, he saw someone coming out. It was Mr. Daniels, who lived on the outskirts of town. He was one of those thick-bearded flannel and camo wearing types, and Jack didn't remember ever learning what he did for work.

Mr. Daniels caught sight of Jack and said, "The diner closes in five minutes, you know."

"Yeah, I know," Jack nodded and kept walking.

He pushed open the door to the diner and found Michael behind the bar wiping it down. His face lit up upon seeing Jack. "Jack! You actually came."

"You thought I wasn't going to?" Jack asked.

"You know how people are sometimes. They just say things to be polite and then stand you up when you have their word that they were going to be there."

"Well, here I am." Jack sat on one of the barstools.

"No, don't sit there," Michael shooed him away. "I just cleaned those off."

"Um...sorry." Jack scooted off the barstool. "Do you mind if I use your phone? I want to call Brian and see if he's coming, too."

"Sure." Michael opened the little door leading behind the bar.

Jack walked through and took the phone off the wall. He dialed Brian's number. Then came the waiting game. How long would it take for him to hear the phone ringing? Where was Brian, anyway? Was he even home?

That's when he finally got an answer. "Hello?"

Jack heaved a sigh of relief. "Brian! Thank goodness you answered. It's Jack. Are you coming to Michael's Diner to investigate the noises?"

"No. You never asked me to."

"Well, I'm asking you now. It's just me and Michael in this diner. I don't want to know what he's going to do to me if he thinks I'm going to do something bad to his daughter."

"Hey, I'd like to come, but I'm, uh, grounded."

"Grounded? Brian, be serious. I know you're just making up excuses not to come over and ruin your reputation as a perfect Latter-Day Saint."

"I am being serious. My parents found out I skipped church for the story, and now they told me I'm not allowed to leave my house all night."

"Your house?"


"Are they there making sure you don't leave?"

"No. If they were here, my mom would have answered the phone."

"Then what's stopping you from just bailing?"

A long pause.

"You're an adult now," Jack told him. "You have control over your own life, and you can leave your house if you so choose."

Brian sighed. "I'm on my way."

"Thank you." Jack hung up. Barred from sitting on the copious amounts of chairs available for him, he leaned against the wall. The people in this town were so fanatic about following God's word to the letter. His parents have never minded him skipping church. Then again, all of the families that were shunned stopped caring about Allwine's arbitrary rules.

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