Chapter 30 - Waking Up

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This is sort of a filler chapter honestly, enjoy!

Draco's POV

"Oh my little star." I heard someone murmur from my left side. "I'm so sorry," the woman whispered. A small, delicate hand laid gently on my forehead. A cold rag accompanied the touch. The quiet hum was heard next. My eyes opened slowly adjusting to the low light. "There we are." I looked over to see my mother with her arm outstretched. She dabbed the rag on my head softly.

"Mum?" I asked scared she was a dream. I was terrified to leave her alone, but she told me she would be okay. It still didn't stop the pain I felt from it. I had only been gone for a few days.

"I'm here, my little star," she whispered the nickname she'd had for me. Her hand caressed my cheek. A small tear fell down her cheek.

"Mother, please don't cry." My voice was rough and scratchy. My body was stiff. I felt like a herd of hippogriffs ran me over.

"I had no idea he had you prisoner," she whispered as she sniffled. "He just told me it was a blood traitor he had been tasked with interrogating..." I pushed myself up on the small bed. Every muscle in my body cried out in pain. I winced at the soreness.

"I'm okay mum. He will never break me," I said grabbing her hand. She fussed about me getting up far too soon, but I didn't care. "Where's Hermione?" I pushed my legs over the edge of the bed. My mother fussed some more as she held onto me.

"She's still out. You were unconscious for a full day my dear...Hermione, she looks much worse." I sighed at that. Not exactly what I wanted to hear, but better than hearing something worse. She wobbled with me to the door. To her credit, my mother carried a good bit of my weight without struggle.

"Mother, I'm fine to walk." That was a total, boldface lie. I could feel my legs shaking and more of my weight going on my mother. I grabbed ahold of the doorframe to alleviate some of the weight from her small shoulders.

"Wait here," she said before exiting the room. She moved through the door without another word. I leaned more into the doorframe feeling just how weak my body was from the twelve days of shit my father put me through. According to my mother, Hermione wasn't even awake. I can't imagine what healing she is having to go through. I wish I could though...I wished my father focused more on me than her.

"Hey mate." I looked up to see a toothy smile from Theo.

"Hey." My voice cracked at the small word. Theo grabbed my arm and pulled it over his shoulder.

"Lean into me, I'll take you to her," Theo said wrapping his arm around my waist. I felt my eyes water thinking of his kindness. Theo had always been my best friend. He took care of Hermione when I couldn't, and now he's taking care of me. Gods I don't know what I did to deserve him.

"Thank you Theo," I said as we walked. Theo hummed and nodded in response. "How is she?" I felt him stiffen slightly.

"Not good Draco. Her body was beaten pretty badly..." he trailed off as we stopped outside a door. He let go of me and I leaned against the wall. "She had four broken ribs, her left ankle was broken, her wrist had a small fracture in it, her eyes were pretty much swollen shut...not to mention the damage we can't really see from the constant cruciatus curse." I closed my eyes sighing. This bond we had...I couldn't feel anything but a steady thrum. I could feel she was alive, but she was weak. "They had some healers come in who are loyal to the order. They did the best they could with what they had." I swallowed, but my mouth felt dry.

"Where are we?" I asked looking down the hall. As far as I knew, the safe houses were gone.

"Muggle's far enough out of the way we are safe for now. We are working on getting a new safe house, but it's dangerous right now." I nodded in understanding. We were doing so good, now we had a setback. "Come on, I know how badly you want to see her." I couldn't help the chuckle that came out. Theo opened the door he had brought us to before grabbing my arm and making sure I got through the doorway. I froze when I saw her lying on the bed, completely still. If I couldn't feel her magic, I'd have thought she was dead. Her bruises were now yellow and fading, her body was clean as was her hair, and she was wearing a simple nightgown. Her usually golden skin was faded and ghostlike. I hated seeing her this way.

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