Chapter 2

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Victoria didn't want to work with her dad but he wouldn't listen. Her decision not to attend uni was what got her into that problem. She had to do something with her life and this was what he decided she should do. Asking her opinion was, as usual, not a part of his plan.

"Dad. I want to be an influencer, not work for a football team. I don't even like football".

"That's not a real job", said her dad for the hundredth time.

"Maybe not when you were young but it is now".

"And what do you do? Post photos? You already do that".

"It's not just that. I build a brand, I do collaborations to make money. There's even more to it. You make it sound stupid because you refuse to listen to me".

"Because it is stupid, Victoria".

"Being here is stupid. I'm supposed to help you and my uncle but can't speak to the players. That's a weird way to do it".

His insane rules were getting more insane.

"You can speak to them but that's where I draw the line".

"Don't worry. I'm not interested in dating footballers", she said, her face full of disgust.

"Good, keep feeling that way. And let's go meet them. They're a good bunch, I'll be honest".

"But not good enough for me", said Victoria ironically.


Victoria felt so stupid going inside the dressing room. She felt all eyes on her and that made her uncomfortable. But she didn't want them to know she was scared so she looked at all of them, holding their gaze. Until she saw a familiar face and looked down immediately.

I'm in so much trouble...

The talk didn't last long and both the players and Victoria were allowed to leave. She tried to run fast but didn't know the place too well and Fermín caught up with her quickly.

"What are you doing here?", he asked.

"Me? What are you doing here?"

"I work here. I play for Barça and you knew and still didn't tell me who your dad was".

"I didn't know. I don't know who any of you are. Just that there is a guy called Gavi all my friends want to meet. I never tell anyone about my family. Do you know how many times people have used me because of who my uncle is?"

Fermín saw the truth in her words. Of course she'd be careful about that.

"I'm sorry. It's just...we got a she's off limits speech earlier and it freaked me out to know the girl who's off limits know".

"Seen you naked?"

"Shh", he said, looking around. "Don't mention it here. I want to keep my place in the squad".

"Don't worry. Knowing you play football makes you 75% less attractive".

"That's a very accurate percentage".

Victoria shrugged and tried to leave but Fermín caught her arm again.

"Don't tell your dad, please. You don't get how hard I've worked to get this opportunity".

"I won't. I'm not an asshole. But stop following me around or he'll put two and two together".

"You're right. And thank you".

Seeing Fermín leave was painful. Victoria meant what she told Alicia. She wasn't hoping Fermín would become her boyfriend or anything like that. She was used to never getting what she wanted anyway. But there was a little bit of hope inside of her that he'd call her and try to get to know her more. That option was gone now and it hurt. Because she could have liked Fermín a lot but...he's off limits. And a footballer. What a mess.

"How do you like the place?", asked her uncle Xavi.

"I don't like it".

"Come could be a lot worse. And we'll leave for pre-season too so you get to go to the US and see new places".

"I guess", that was definitely the least bad part of the deal.

"And I'll let you use my credit card for any shopping you want to do".

Victoria laughed. Her uncle had always spoiled her. Well, everyone did because she was one of the few girls in the family so she got special treatment. But also, being one of the few girls meant she was overprotected by all the older men in the family. And it sometimes drove her insane.

"I'll make sure to buy a new coat for you since you always wear the same one for matches".

"I'm superstitious".

"No, dear uncle. You just have no sense of style but thankfully I can help".

While they were still bantering, some of the players walked past and said goodbye to them. The group included Fermín and Victoria looked down, which her uncle didn't miss.

"Do they intimidate you?"

"Well, I'm 19 and that's a lot of men...and boys, I guess. So sure, they do. But I'll get used to it".

"If any of them bothers you, tell me".

"That'd make me very popular amongst them", said Victoria, rolling her eyes.

"I don't care about that. I care about you being comfortable".

"I'll be fine".

"Let me show you around so you know where everything is".

Xavi took Victoria to all the main places she needed to know first, including the gym where Fermín was doing some extra practice. He really wanted to impress the manager so the fact that he saw him there working was good. But Victoria also saw him.

When she was leaving the room, she turned to wave at Fermín and he waved back. He closed his eyes and sighed.

"It sucks that this relationship ended before it had a chance to start".

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