Chapter 21

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Now that Fermín and Victoria were officially a couple, it was time for more couple shenanigans. Usually, one of those was meeting the parents but Fermín already knew Victoria's dad. However, he didn't know her mum.

"Did you dress up?"

"Me?", asked Fermín, not holding eye contact with Victoria. "Just put on the first thing I saw".

"Which happened to be a super elegant outfit...".

"I want to make a good impression, Vicky. Don't make me more nervous".

Victoria laughed. That was so cute. "Mum will love you. And she's already seen you...wearing training clothes".

"So anything will be an upgrade?", he asked, hopeful.

"For her, maybe. I love how those leggings look on you".

"Stop objectifying me, Victoria".

"Stop having a butt that looks better than mine. So unfair. I could do squats for the rest of my life and not come even close".

Fermín laughed, feeling some of the nerves go away and leaned down to kiss Victoria's cheek.

She opened the door to her house and her mum was there in mere seconds.

"Fermín! Hi! Come in!"

They were all inside and Victoria chuckled realising her mum was as nervous as Fermín.

"Hi. It's lovely meeting you properly", told her Fermín before the usual two kisses on the cheek salute Spaniards did.

"Me too. I feel like I'm the only one that doesn't know you", laughed Victoria's mum.

"There isn't much to know...".

"My daughter finds you fascinating, though. So I'm sure I will too".

"Fascinating!", joked Victoria, smiling at Fermín who stuck his tongue out at her.

The table was already set and while they all had a drink, Oscar finally showed up and they could start having dinner.

"Sorry. I was picking up some dessert. Be back in a second. I just need to wash my hands".

Soon they were all at the table eating and Victoria's mum started with the questionnaire. Or the interrogation.

"So, how did you really meet?"

"You can't get mad", warned Victoria.

"We're past that, Vicky", said her dad.

"Remember when I spent the night at Ali's last summer?", her parents nodded. "We went out with some friends to a club and I met Fermín there. I had no idea who he was".

"That was two days before pre-season started".

"Last chance to go out and party", said Fermín, trying not to blush. Oscar was still the assistant coach and he didn't want him to think he was a party boy.

"So you met that day and then...".

"And we met that day, dad. I'm not going to give you more details", said Victoria, putting her hands on her face.

"You just did, honey", laughed her mum.

"You're so ok with all of this", told her Oscar. "When did you become the super cool and modern mum?"

"I'm ok because our daughter is 19. I know what I did when I was 19 and so do you because I did it with you".

"And this is why we don't share more details", said Victoria, mortified by what her mum insinuated.

Anyone but you (Fermín López)Where stories live. Discover now