✷ 𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘵𝘸𝘰 ✷

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Jayde bit her thumb nail, anxiety swirling around in the bit of her stomach

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Jayde bit her thumb nail, anxiety swirling around in the bit of her stomach. They had just left Rose to follow the signal of the Autons again, but her mind still wondered to her soulmate. She knew the Doctor had already figured it out before her, and had only kept it a secret just to taunt her. Just like the annoying best friend he was. He loved when she figured things out herself instead of just outright telling her.

The doctor looked over at his friend, his hands working on the arm, trying to locate the signal yet again. He saw her in thought, and noticed her anxiously biting her and frowning. "Jayde..."

"You let me figure this out myself... Why didn't you just tell me?" She asked, looking at him with furrowed brows. The doctor sighed and just let the TARDIS hover gently in the Time Vortex, his side leaning against the console.

"I only just realized it about twenty or so minutes before you. You were in pain from the overwhelming scent filling your nose Jayde," the doctor said gently. Jayde sighed and leaned her head back against the pillar she was leaning against.

"This day just keeps getting better," she grumbled, though her heart had told her a different story. She knew her body was happy and giddy about finding her soulmate, but she didn't want to fully believe it. She wasn't the biggest fan of humans, even if she does save them all the time. A sudden memory of Sarah Jane came to her mind, her and Ace were the only two she had gotten close to, and she missed the two dearly, wishing she never left the two.

"A penny for your thoughts?" The doctor asked, which shook her out of her head.

"It's nothing doctor, promise." She said, noticing the deep frown playing on his lips. She looked past him and saw the arm melting, "but, shouldn't you be a bit more focused on finding the signal? It's gonna be hard if that melts."

"What? No!" He exclaimed, trying to get a fix on the signal. Jayde chuckled lightly, shaking her head at the frantic time-lord in front of her.

The signal had taken the two to a restaurant of some sort, and the first thing that Jayde could sense was the familiar smell of Rose. She had internally groaned at the fact the universe was playing a cruel joke on her as she watched the blonde from afar with a man sitting across from her. The doctor chuckled as he gently pushed her towards them, grabbing a bottle of champagne on the way. They didn't notice the two standing near them, which was good, cause the man was focused on Rose.

"... You can tell me anything. Tell me about the Doctor and the Guardian and what they're planning, and I can help you, Rose. That's all I want to do, sweetheart. Darling, babe, babe, sugar, sweetheart." That definitely wasn't who Rose thought he was, and Jayde knew that. The poor guy had gotten himself turned to plastic.

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