Chapter 1: Aesparagus Club

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Haeyong's POV

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Haeyong's POV

"I've just done that dumb and stupid 'drop all your books and see if someone comes to help you pick them up' thing..." Winter says, covering her face in embarrassment.

I choke on my sandwich, nearly spitting it out as Winter's mortifying confession echoes through our little cafeteria clique.

Her real name is Kim Minjeong, but she prefers being called Winter - and I still don't know why.

"Girl, what possesses you?!" Giselle asks, holding her laughter.

Ningning, our youngest, is already in hysterics, her laughter threatening to turn into a full-blown cackling fit.

Winter's face is still buried in her hands, her voice muffled. "I know, I know... it's a moment of weakness!"

"What is it, baby? Why do you look so upset?" Karina, the oldest in our squad, asks Winter as she pats her back.

Winter slowly uncovers her face, revealing a mix of embarrassment and frustration. "No one helped me! Not a single person in 'KWANGYA HIGH' offered to help me pick up my things!!" Winter groans.

Ningning snorts, her eyes sparkling with mischief. "Well, unnie, maybe it's because they're all too busy admiring the dramatic flair of your book-dropping skills. I mean, it's like a perfectly choreographed K-drama scene - the slow-motion drop, the fluttering papers.. it's a masterpiece!"

Winter's face turns beet-red as the rest of us burst out laughing. I try to stifle my giggles, but even I can't resist Ningning's savage wit.

Giselle high-fives Ningning, "Yass, Ning, you're the real MVP!"

I chuckle, shaking my head, "Winter, you have to admit, Ningning's got a point. It's quite... um... dramatic."

Winter playfully glares at us, but we can see the hint of a smile on her face. She knows we are just teasing her out of love.

"Anyway, so you know that boring-looking singer with heavenly vocals," Winter pauses, "I think he's from your class, Ningning."

Oh! Right! I forgot to mention. Karina, Giselle, Winter, and I are in the same class. As for Ningning, she's from the year below.

"Bang Yedam?"

"Yeah, I think so. He looked at me for like 10 seconds, and for a moment, I thought he was going to help me. But..." Winter grits her teeth and frowns. "Guess what? He just walks away like he didn't see me on the ground!"

"He walks past me, humming some songs that I don't even know. It sounded like 'Dara-ra-ra-ra-ri~~' or something like that." She continues.

Karina's eyes widened in surprise. "Whoa, that's cold! Bang Yedam, of all people! I thought he was supposed to be a sweetheart, always helping others and all that jazz."

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