Chapter 4: Walk You Home

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Jaemin's POV

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Jaemin's POV

"Haeyong, let me walk you home." I say, my voice warm and gentle.

Our friends turn to us, their faces filled with amusement. Jeno gives me a thumbs up, a sly grin spreading across his face.

I can sense their excitement, their anticipation. They know what I'm trying to do.

Haeyong, on the other hand, looks taken aback. Her eyes widen in surprise, and she hesitates for a moment before nodding. "Uh-okay," she replies, her voice soft and gentle.

As we begin our walk, I can feel the weight of my friends' gazes upon us. They're rooting for me, cheering me on in their minds.

And I'm determined not to let them down. I'm determined to win Haeyong back, to prove to her that I'm the one she needs.

The night air is filled with tension, our footsteps echoing off the buildings. I can sense Haeyong's unease, her uncertainty. But I'm not going to let that stop me.

"Chill, Haeyong," I say with a laugh, trying to ease the tension. "I've always walked you home before, remember? It's no big deal."

"I just don't want to be a burden, that's all," Haeyong replies simply.

I chuckle, shaking my head. "You're not a burden, you know that."

As we continue walking, Haeyong freezes in her tracks, her eyes sparkling with a sudden whim, and exclaims, "Let's go to that candy shop!" She tugs me along, her grip full of enthusiasm.

We walk in, and the sweet aroma of sugary treats envelops us. As we approach the counter, the cashier, a charming smile on his face, hands Haeyong a flower.

"Miss, I'll give this to you as a present. You're so beautiful. Any vacancy?" he asks, his eyes lingering on Haeyong's.

My eyes narrow, and I feel a surge of possessiveness. "Do you think you can flirt with my girlfriend right in front of my eyes?" I ask, my voice firm, as I glare at the cashier. He glares back, unfazed.

"You're her boyfriend?" he replies, raising an eyebrow. "I thought you were her brother or something." His tone is nonchalant, but his smirk hints at a challenge.

My grip on his collar tightens. "I'm her boyfriend, and I don't appreciate your honesty!" I growl, my voice low and even.

The cashier smirks again, seemingly enjoying the tension. "I'm sorry if you don't like my honesty," he says, his eyes never leaving mine.

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