Chapter 3: Mr. Irresistible

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Haeyong's POV

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Haeyong's POV

The class is finally over, and what a hectic day it has been! Students rush out of the classroom like a tidal wave.

Just then, Ningning comes running towards our class, her eyes shining with excitement. "Unnies, I found this new restaurant! Let's go and check it out!" she shouts, barely containing her enthusiasm. I chuckle, seeing her eagerness.

"Guys, wait for me near the gate," I tell my friends, who are equally eager to leave. "Let me finish my duties first." They nod in understanding, and with that, they head out, leaving me alone.

As the class president, I ensure everything is secure and in order: the windows, doors, desks, electronics, etc. It’s a routine I’ve grown accustomed to, a habit that brings me a sense of satisfaction.

I double-check everything, and after ensuring that all is well, I give myself a mental pat on the back. Good job, Haeyong!

Just as I'm about to leave the classroom, I notice someone standing in the doorway, leaning against the door frame. My heart skips a beat as I take in the familiar figure. Jaemin, my ex-boyfriend, is standing there.

Na Jaemin, the infamous Mr. Irresistible. His name alone makes girls swoon, and his presence is like a magnet, drawing everyone in.

That charming smile, oh, that smile - it’s like a work of art, renowned for its captivating charm, a masterpiece that has stolen countless hearts. This smile is his trademark, a distinctive feature that sets him apart and makes him unforgettable.

His eyes sparkle like diamonds, his gaze too intense, too captivating. Every time he looks at me, his eyes seem to linger on my lips, making my heart race and my face grow hot.

And to top it all off, he’s incredibly handsome, with a chiseled jawline and sculpted muscles that make my heart flutter. His entire presence is a masterpiece.

He knows exactly how to get under my skin, exactly how to make me feel like I'm the only person in the world.

It’s frustrating, really - how could someone so charming and caring also be so reckless with people's hearts?

It’s like he has a split personality - the charming Jaemin who flirts and jokes, and the kind and empathetic Jaemin who listens and supports.

I’ve seen glimpses of that softer side, and it’s hard to hate him for it. I sense a warmth and kindness that’s hard to resist.

And yet, despite knowing his reputation, despite knowing his player ways, I couldn’t help but fall in love with him, too.

I know I should be wary, I know I should keep my guard up, but Jaemin has a way of getting under my skin, melting my defenses.

And that’s Jaemin, the school’s heartthrob, Mr. Irresistible, indeed.

"Jaemin..." I whisper to myself.

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