Chapter 6: Falling Slowly

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Haeyong's POV

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Haeyong's POV

As I walk out of the class and head to the school cafeteria, I scan the bustling hall searching for my friends. Spotting them at our usual table, I sit down and Ningning immediately starts spilling the school tea.

"I heard a rumor that a new student will be joining us," she says, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "I hope he's a boy, and in my class, please! My class boys are so ugly," she adds, making a face.

Karina laughs and teases, "Come on, Ningning, your class boys are not that bad."

Ningning playfully rolls her eyes, "They're all so... uninteresting." We all chuckle at her dramatic tone.

"Come on, Ning! You've got Kang Taehyun, Sunghoon, and many more," Winter teases, knowing Ningning's distaste for those two boys in particular.

"Ugh, don't even get me started," Ningning says, rolling her eyes. "Taehyun is so smart, but he's always correcting everyone and acting like he's superior. It's like, dude, we get it, you're a genius, but can you please just let us be wrong in peace?"

"And Sunghoon... ugh... he thinks he's so handsome... like hello, we're in math class, not a photoshoot." Ningning continues, mimicking Sunghoon's pose.

Giselle chimes in, her voice dripping with sarcasm, "Don't worry, Ningning, you've got Bang Yedam, the gentleman, to make up for it."

This time Winter is the one rolling her eyes, and we all burst out laughing as we recall the infamous Winter and Yedam incident.

"Oh man, that was classic." Karina says, giggling.

We're engrossed in our conversation, laughing and gossiping about the latest school drama, when suddenly I hear a familiar voice behind me.

"I thought we agreed to have lunch together." Jaemin says, his voice is low and husky, but playful at the same time.

Before I can respond, he takes my hand, his fingers intertwining with mine in a gentle yet confident grasp.

"Let me borrow your girl for a while, girls!" he says with a charming smile, pulling me up from my seat and winking at my friends.

Ningning's face contorts in exaggerated disgust, and she even pretends to gag, while Giselle and Winter exchange teasing glances, their eyes sparkling with amusement.

"Jaemin, stop stealing our girl!" Karina jokes, playfully tossing a balled-up napkin at us.

Jaemin laughs as his hand wraps around mine, holding it protectively as we walk away from the table.

Students' eyes follow us, their gazes fixed on our entwined hands like magnets.

I sigh, knowing they will assume we're a 'thing' again. And perhaps they won't be wrong. I hate to admit it, but Jaemin is melting my defenses, and I'm slowly surrendering to him once more.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04 ⏰

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