Transformers and Ultraman

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Request by DARK-crystalia , Sorry it took forever (⁠。⁠•́⁠︿⁠•̀⁠。⁠) I got busy to study for my finals that I forgot about it. Hope you like it!!
All the transformers was called for something and so they all came. There both Decepticon and Autobot was there in the same room, and when they both were about to fight Optimus stopped them,

Optimus: We're not here to battle today
Arcee: So why are they here? {Pointing to the Decepticons}
Megatron: Someone called all of us here and they said no fighting
Smokescreen: And what happens if we still fight?
??:I'll beat your ass!
Bumblebee: Who's that?!
??: Me!
Soundwave: Me who?
??: Here! This is not a knock knock joke! {Floating}

Blitzwing: Who the hell are you?
Mochi: My name is Mochi, and I was the one who called you guys
Arcee: Why did you call us?
Mochi: My sister asked me to call you guys and show you guys the life styles of the Ultras!
Ultra Magnus: Hm? You calling me?
Mochi: N-Not you.. what ever your name was, but Ultramen, do you guys know them?
Bulkhead: Never even heard about them
Mochi: {Sigh} Whatever just watch this thing and react to it that's your only job ok?
Sentinel Prime: Ok?
Mochi: Ok then enjoy the movie! {Grabbing a whole book}
Prowl: What's with the book?
Mochi: From my sister

{Screen turns on}

Shockwave: So we're supposed to watch a movie? Hah, wasting my time
Wheeljack: Just shut up for a second, the movie is about to start


The scene started with The Land of Light and inside was Ultras who were doing their own things. And then the scene started

It first shows the planet Nebula M78 the planet that was glowing bright with the light of the plasma spark,

Smokescreen: Wow, that planet is beautiful Mochi: That's Nebula M78, the home for most of the UltrasBlitzwing: Most?Mochi: You'll learn more soon

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Smokescreen: Wow, that planet is beautiful
Mochi: That's Nebula M78, the home for most of the Ultras
Blitzwing: Most?
Mochi: You'll learn more soon

The scene changes, showing Many Ultras doing their own things. And there it focuses on two Ultras,

Tiga: Everything seems Ok here
Dyna: Yeah, peaceful as usual

Bumblebee: Who are those guys?
Mochi: The one with the Purple, Red, And silver body is Ultraman Tiga while The one with Red, Blue and Silver is Ultraman Dyna
Soundwave: How can you tell them apart?
Mochi: Because My sister, Can talk about them for a whole day long!! Also it's in the book
Prowl: Let's continue watching

Tiga: So Where should we go next?
Dyna: .. Monument of Mystery?
Tiga: Ok then Let's go there

Both Tiga and Dyna went to Monument of Mystery to check on the condition there. When they arrived there they were welcomed by the view of Silver Grass around the place.

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