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Hello! I'm back with a new Story! I finally finished this one after a while. Enjoy!!

That day, Crew GUYS was battling a minster and Mirai transformed to Mebius to help them. Whie Konomi and Teppei was trying to find a way to beat the Monster, The monster shooted something from its mouth and it hit Mebius's arm,

Ryu: Mirai!!
Konomi: I found it, Shoot His mouth! that's his weakness!!
Marina: G.I.G, Mirai help us!

Mebius then Nodded and stood up, But then the others saw some golden light dust From Mebius's Arm which got Shot,

George: What's That golden Light?
Teppei: I Never saw anything like this Before..
Sakomizu: Let's think about that later and Focus on Beating that monster first
All Crew GUYS/Mirai: G.I.G

When they managed to Beat the Monster, Mebius who was about to run out of energy Transformed Back to Mirai And The Others Went To Search For Him.  They Finaly saw MIrai Whos's Laying Down at the Ground while Holding his arm,

Ryu: Mirai! are you ok?
Mirai: {Panting} Ryu-San.. I Think So
Marina: {Slowly Removing Mirai's Hand} Mirai-Kun, You're Bleeding..
George: I called for Help, They should arive soon
You can rest Now MIrai
Mirai: Arigato {Slowly Closed his eyes and rested}

When Mirai Opened his eyes, He was alredy at The Hospital and his friends was glad seeing him awake,

Ryu: How are you feeling  Now?
Mirai: Much More better...
George: You made us worried for a second out there Amigo
Mirai: Sorry
Sakomizu: {Going Inside the room} Well At least Your Feeling Better now
Mirai: Ha'i
Teppei: Mirai-Kun can I ask you something?
MIrai: Hm?
Teppei: When You were Shot In your Arm, What was That Golden dust comiing out your arm?
Mirai: Golden Dust? Ooh, That's My blood
Konomi: Blood? Ultras have blood?
Mirai: Yup
Marina: But When we check your arm in your Human Body, Why is your blood Not golden anymore but Red like Normal Blood?
Ryu: I mean wouldn't You Be suprised If you saw someone fell and then saw that they have golden Blood?
Marina: That's Not what I meant Dumbass!!
Mirai: {Chuckle} It's Only to make our Disguise better, Not for anything at all

For the hours, They all just talked about random things before the alarm rang again and they saw another monster attacking,

Ryu: Oh come on! It's Only been like Two hours!!
Sakomizu: Well It seems like We're back to action, Mirai?
Mirai: I'm ready!
Sakomizu: Well, GUYS, Sally, Go!
All Crew Guys: G.I.G!

So they all went outside to battle the Monster and they will do it again and again as long as they could protect their planet with their own hands.


That's All!! Thanks for reading!! And Special Thanks to RichmondRichard3 , MizuraRani , -Datenshilzanami- , and DhiaHanania4 for Voting my Stories!! Well see you all later!! Bye!!

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