"Blazar! where are you?!"

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It was a normal day in the land of light, and the ultras are starting the day happily, and the newgen went out of their rooms,

"Good morning katsu-nii, isa-nii" say grigio
"Good morning too Asahi" say Rosso and blu
"Zero-san, have you finish the report that captain zoffy asked?" Ask fuma
"Of course not, may be I'm gonna finish it after practice" say zero when suddenly,
"GOOD MORNING!!" Shout ginga that made everyone covered their ears
"Shut up megaphone it's still morning!" Say victory
"It's up to me to shout or not" say ginga, and suddenly blazar also joined them by roaring loudly (well ginga is still louder)
"Oh my noa blazar, don't join him, it's still early in the morning" say X ke blazar dan and blazar just nodded meaning he understood.

After everyone was ready to go to the IGDF, zero forgot to lock the door, so when they left, blazar who realised that the door wasn't locked went out. At the afternoon the newgen came back to eat lunch,

'Hmm?not usually the door is open' think grigio
"Hah..I'm tired with the work that captain zoffy gave us" say fuma
"Don't complain, if captain zoffy hear it a broom will fly to you" sayzero
"I  also tired with the experimens that I have to do" say X
"Umm..X, is blu..?" Ask Rosso
"Yeah like the usual, so if you wanna force him to come here just go In not joining" say X
"Come on, Asahi, let's invite isami here" say Rosso
"Isn't that more to forcing?" Ask grigio
"Come on" say Rosso who held grigio's hand and left,

When the newgen was cooking (that's of course that was really noisy) geed realised something,
"Not usually blazar isn't noisy" say geed
"Not wrong he will usually ask us to play with him" say decker
"Blazar!are you still alive?!" Call taiga when X hit his head
"Don't say it like that!" Say X annoyed
"Sorry X-senpai" say taiga while holding his head
"But why blazar didn't came?" Ask geed

So orb went to search blazar but didn't find him,

"Hey, where's blazar?" Ask orb
"How would I know? You were the one who went searching" say zero
"The problem is I couldn't find him" say orb
"Hah?!" Say all the ultras together
"Orb, it's not funny, so that primitive isn't here?" Ask zero
"Yeah,why would I be joking now" say orb
"Now what? What if blazar made a ruckus?" Ask Z
"He's not that naughty, he wouldn't make a ruckus, right?" Ask X
"Hah!! Everyone let's search for blazar while geed you wait here" say zero
"Huh?, why zero-san?" Ask geed
"If those trio came back tell them what happened and what should they so, and if blazar come back contact us" say zero panicking so everyone went to search for blazar and geed stayed at home like what zero requesed.

After a few minutes, grigio,blu,dan Rosso came and joined them to search for blazar around the town, but after hours they didn't find him,

"Where is this primitive ultra?!" Say zero annoyed
"Be patient zero-san"say X
"Zero-san, can blazar open the door?" Ask grigio
"Noe he can't, even if he can I already locked the door" say zero while thinking
"Why are asking that Asahi?" Ask blu
"Cause when I went in earlier, the door was opened" say grigio that made everyone suprised,
"Hah?! The door is opeed?!" Ask taiga
"Yeah, when I opened the door, the door wasn't locked" answer grigio that made everyone looked at zero who started to panic
"Don't say....." Zero's words was cut off by Victory
"How did you forgot to lock the door zero!" Say victory annoyed
"Is zero-san starting to go senile ?" Tease fuma
"Shut up idiot!" Say zero
"Enough we'll only cause a ruckus here, let's continue searching and after this give the apartment key to X zero is getting senile" say ginga while walking and zero from behind really wanted to hit ginga's head.

So from noon to evening they all searced for blazar but couldn't find him, and finally they all started to give up,

"Ugh!! Where's blazar?" Ask fuma
"It's all because zero, that's why he escaped" say taiga
"Shut up Bull, I forgot" say zero annoyed
"Katsu-nii, why zero is getting senile when captain zoffy who's 25.000 years old and Hikari-senpai who's 22.000 years old didn't? isn't zero-san still 5900 years old?" Ask grigio that made everyone laughed and zero felt angry as everyone laughed,

When suddenly, mebius came to them,

"Here you guys are" say mebius
"Mebius-niisan? What's wrong?" Ask taiga
"You guys must've lost blazar?" Ask mebius
"How did you know?" Ask zero
"Follow me, and I was told by geed when I went to your apartment" say mebius while leading them to a place. That place was quiet and there was no people, only beautiful plants,

"Wow this place is really beautiful!" Say grigio
"Yeah, this is the place where me, taro-nii,and ace-nii will play together when I was a kid" say mebius
"This place is like a dream" say X
"Ace-nii! I found them!" Call mebius
"Ok mebius! Wait a minute!" Say Ace from afar and behind him there was blazar,

"Blazar!?"everyone was surprised
"Ace-niisan, mebius-niisan, where did you find blazar?" Ask X
"When me and mebius just finished training,we saw blazar who was lost so we brought him here so he won't panic and after that he won't go home, so that's why I asked mebius to search for you guys" answer Ace
"Oh my noa! So we went around town for nothing?" Say fuma
"Well, at least we did some exercise" answer titas
"Ok then, you guys go home, it's already the evening" say Ace
"Ok uncle ace, thanks for taking care of blazar" say zero
"No problem, come on mebius let's go back" say ace,

So they all went to their home, and it was agreed that the apartment key was changed from zero to X


That's all, sorry if it's boring, I can't sleep so I just wrote or more to type this story, also thanks for PutriElQistina for voting I'm glad you enjoyed my stories!,well, see you in the next story bye!!


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