I don't know what to name this

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Hello everyone! I'm back from hell with a new story! See you at the end! Enjoy!

After the Events of Great Decisive Battle! The Super 8 Ultra Brothers, Mirai went back to his own dimension and appeared in the place he was at earlier. As he went out of the building His Friends who were searching for him was surprised seeing him,

Marina: Mirai?! Where Were you?! You made us worried!
Mirai: Eh? Was I gone that long?
George: Amigo, You were literally gone for a whole day!
Ryu: Luckily there was no monsters attacking, But where were you?!
Mirai: I was at a different dimension
All of them/Mirai: Huh? Different dimension?
Mirai: Yeah, In this dimension Ultras doesn't exist But someone told me to gather the 7 heroes but there I also saw Niisan but-
Marina: How about we go back to Phoenix Nest to take Care of you wounds first then you tell us about your adventure?
Mirai: Ok then

So all of them Walked back to Phoenix Nest to take care Of Mirai's wounds and on the way Mirai told them about his adventure in that different dimension. Later on Mirai was given a holiday for that day because of his adventure that used a lot of his energy and he'll need some rest before he'll be able to transform back to his Ultra form.

But Mirai didn't really rest at his dorm, Instead he went outside and searched for his brothers and found them sitting together at the park,

Mirai: {Waving his hand} Niisan!!
Hayata: Oh, Hi Mirai
Go: Where were you? Your Friends told us that you disappeared?
Mirai: I went to a different dimension!
Dan: A different dimension?
Mirai: Yeah and There was also Niisan there but Niisan weren't Ultras in that dimension because in that dimension Ultras Don't exist
Hokuto: How about you calm down first and tell your story slowly?

Hokuto then pulled Mirai to sit down with them and Mirai started to tell them the whole Story about how he went to that dimension, About the three Ultra who he Never saw, And other things, And The Ultra Brothers just listened to their Little Brother's story.

When Mirai Finished, They just laughed listening what happened,

Hokuto: {Laughing} So you just called them Niisan even though they weren't us?
Go: {Laughing} That's something only you will do
Mirai: {Sheepishly} Hehe..
Hayata: {Smiling} It's Ok Mirai, It's what makes you special
Dan: Niisan's right, You'll always believe in other people no matter what and that's what makes you different from Other people
Mirai: {Smiling} Thanks Niisan

Then Hokuto saw The bandage on Mirai's Arm and some bruises from Mirai's battle,

Hokuto: Mirai, Are those from you battle in that dimension?
Mirai: Hm? Yeah, It's already better now
Go: How about you go rest first? So your wounds would heal
Mirai: But-
Dan: No Buts, We don't want to see you injured more
Mirai: {Sigh} Fine..
Hayata: Good, See you later Mirai
Mirai: Ok, Bye Niisan

Mirai Then stood up and waved his hand goodbye before he then left the park to go to his dorm to rest. While they just looked at Mirai who kept walking until he was out of sight.

Dan: He really is something isn't he? So Naive yet full of faith
Hayata: Yes, But let's just hope he won't trust the wrong person
Hokuto: Let's Hope not, We'll always have his back won't we?
Go: Yup, We will always have his back.


The end! Thanks for reading everyone! I really appreciate it!. And also thanks to
DhiaHanania4 , -DatenshiIzanami- , RichmondRichard3 , MizuraRani , Inkha_2011 , SlvrQueenx_07 , and  itzn_n0507 for Voting. Well time to go back to hell, See you All Later, Bye!!

(And yes, I gave up thinking a title for this story)

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