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Namari eyes filled with tears as she saw the positive pregnancy test in her hands. She looked over at Kehlani whose face was shocked by what she saw

"How am I going to tell my parents" Namari finally managed to get out

"I don't know." Kehlani just looked at the test

"But more importantly how you gon find out who the father is?" Lani added on

"Fuck." Was all Namari could get out

5 months earlier

Namari Azar Mitchell | August                          Jacksonville, Florida


I groaned as I hit my alarm that woke me up for the first day of school. It was my first day of Senior year and hopefully I would make some friends

I got up out my bed and made my way to my bathroom that connected to my room. I started the shower and plugged up my music and hopped in the shower.

After a good twenty minutes I got out wrapped, my towel around me, and went to the sink. I washed my face, brushed my teeth, and headed into my room I sung along to the music playing in the background

I put on some lotion then my under clothes. Then I put on my actual outfit and made my way to my vanity area, I got started on my hair which was just a curly wig. I really wasn't going to go overboard because there was no reason to

After I finished everything I made my way downstairs where my mother was drinking her morning coffee

"Morning, mommy" I greeted her walking to the kitchen

"Mannaz" She said in her heavy Jamaican accent

I was an only child to my Strict parents. I always wanted a sibling but I guess it was one and done for them. I walked to the kitchen grabbing my lunch out the fridge and put it next to my backpack

I went to the pantry and grabbed a strawberry poptart and got a sunny d out the fridge. I sat down at the island and looked at the time '8:00' the clock read.

"Good timing" I said to myself

School started at 8:30 so I'll just be out the house by 8:15. Only 1 more year then I'll be out of this school, and house. Even though my pare let up on their strictness there was still some stuff that they still stuck to

After I got done eating I threw away my trash and cleaned up my spot. I got all my bags kissed my mom goodbye and headed out of the house. My dad is usually at work at this time so I just left the house.

I went outside and unlocked my sliver kia I got for my 16th. I placed my stuff on the passenger and backed out. I made my way out the driveway and to school. 5 minutes later I arrived to my high school I got out and made my way inside

I said hello to all the staff, because I have manners and walked up the stairs to my first period class. I had to act like the stairs ain't take my ass out but they definitely did. I got to my class and sat down as soon as the bell had rung

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