

"Cmon London" Mari stood up and put her purse on her shoulder

Jay, London, and Mari were taking a trip to the Bahamas. It was London and Mari's. birthday trip since it was days apart, London is the 17th and Namari's is the 20th. So why not go on a trip together

It was time to board their plane and they got first class, so they boarded first. They went onto the plane and got everything situated before everyone else came through.

"Are you nervous" Mari asked London

"Yea" She smiled

"Don't be, plane rides are smooth" Namari said

"I'm just ready to be in the Bahamas" Jay said

"Right" Mari looked over at him

Everyone else boarded and now they were ready to go. The flight attendant did their speech about how to stay safe, where the life jackets are, and the airbags. They buckled in and waited for the plane to take off

The plane started to go backwards indicating that they were about to go on the runway. London held on to Mari's hand until they took off. When they got in the air all London could do was look out the window

London finally let go of Mari's hand and got back on her iPad. Namari opened up her book and read her suspense book, Jay turned on a movie but halfway through he went to sleep, and was snoring.


They had just landed and now they were on the way to baggage claim to get their stuff. They walked through the airport and finally made it to the baggage claim area. After a good 15 minutes they finally got their bags

The three walked to the exit of the airport and looked for their uber. When they did they put their bags in the trunk and got in the car. Mari greeted the driver and he drove off taking them to their destination

Jay had rented out a villa but Mari and London didn't know it yet. He didn't want to stay in a hotel because it was going too little space and he had stuff planned for them. So this villa was the perfect place

When they finally got there Namari's eyes lit up, the car came to a stop and she hopped out admiring the building. Namari turned back to Jay and was all smiles, she hugged his body and kissed his cheek

"This place is beautiful" She was in awe

"I know" Jay chuckled

They got their bags out of the trunk, thanking their driver and made their way to the door. Jay put in the code and the door opened, inside was even better and Mari loved it. She always loved houses.

There were two bouquets of money flowers one for Namari and one for London. Jay also got them some gifts and matching outfits.

"Jayyy this is too cute" Mari blushed

"Ouuu moneyy" London grabbed her bouquet of money flowers

"Thank you" She hugged Jay once again

"Anything for you ma" He kissed her lips

"Thank you bub" London hugged his leg

"You welcome princess" He patted London's head

Everyone took their stuff to the rooms they were going to be sleeping in. Mari took a picture of her bouquet, she was so grateful.

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