Chapter Three : In Desperate

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After locking Jisung up on the bedroom, both the two males run downstairs in a speed of light. The only sound they make as they race down is their shoes sliding against the floor and their panting breaths. They could hear Jisung suddenly screaming behind the closed door as he desperately tried to break through it.

Both Hyunjin and Seungmin laughed at that as they entered the kitchen.

"Did we really have to do that?" Seungmin asked, leaning against the fridge. He was staring into space while Hyunjin stood near him, arms crossed against his chest. "It's not like we didn't made fun of him all the time." Hyunjin says, grinning slightly.

Seungmin shakes his head. He then pinched the taller male's cheeks, causing Hyunjin to squirm in his grasp. Seungmin laughs when Hyunjin attempts to hit him away. It was funny how easily the other boy would be caught off guard by playful touches from Seungmin. Even if they were just teasing one another, they enjoyed each other's company, something which Hyunjin appreciated very much after all of the trouble they've gone through for one another.

Hyunjin sighs in relief when he finally escapes Seungmin's grasp and takes his place next to the younger. He rests his elbow on the counter as his chin rested atop his hand. His eyes are scanning across the living room, his attention seemingly drawn to the window.

"What are you looking at?" Seungmin asks curiously as he leans over Hyunjin to look out the window too. Hyunjin doesn't respond right away, but when Seungmin notices how focused Hyunjin has become, he starts asking again.

"Hyunjin, what - " Seungmin cuts himself off abruptly when he heard a grumbling sound coming from the other boy's stomach. "Oh." His smile is wide, knowing full well what Hyunjin had been waiting for.

"You're hungry." Seungmin giggles as he places an arm around Hyunjin's waist. "Come eat with me, I don't mind making lunch."

Hyunjin nods, turning his head so that he can look directly into Seungmin's eyes. "Thanks." He smiles.

Seungmin's smile falters when he realizes how much softer Hyunjin looks than usual. A bit concerned, Seungmin pulls back so he can see Hyunjin clearly and gives him a onceover. "Are you alright?" He questions carefully. Hyunjin merely nods.

"Okay..." Seungmin doesn't press further. "Well, anyway, wait here. I'll cook some lunch for us." He says while releasing his grip on Hyunjin's waist.

And without waiting for a response, Seungmin hurries off into the kitchen to start cooking.

Meanwhile Jisung is still stuck in Seungmin's bedroom. He hasn't been able to open the door yet due to its strength. He doesn't know why they lock him up in there but he doesn't like it one bit.

"Eugh! Why would they even lock me up here?" He groans, kicking his legs in frustration. "Aish," He continues mouthing curses under his breath before he remembers something.

"Wait! My phone." He thinks aloud. Quickly, Jisung pulled out his phone from his pocket, thankful to find it still intact. He turns it on, immediately finding multiple messages from Minho.

"Shit. I forgot we had another date today." Jisung mutters to himself sadly. The older male had invited him on a second date today with the promise that he'd pick him up at seven. He's supposed to come by his house in a few hours.

Jisung had agreed enthusiastically before realizing that he had forgot all of their plans just because he was trapped inside Seungmin's room. Now he wasn't sure whether or not to go. There was no way he was going to risk being late just because Seungmin locked him up in here. "I should probably call him." He decides, bringing up the older male's number.

But just before he presses 'dial', his phone died and the screen went blank.
"Screw you, Kim Seungmin!" Jisung shouts angrily.

The moment Yeonjun return back to the hotel, he ran up to the elevators as quickly as possible, wanting to get away from the crowds of people. He felt like crying but managed to hold onto his emotions tightly. No way was he gonna cry now in front of everyone. That would only be humiliating. So, instead, he pressed the button to take him straight to his room where hopefully there were no witnesses. Once the elevator doors opened, Yeonjun swiftly stepped inside before pressing the button for the third floor. The ride seemed to go on forever but eventually, he arrived at his desired destination. Yeonjun exhaled deeply as he let go of all the tension built up throughout his body, the last few moments of having to deal with all those people weighing heavily on his shoulders. He sighed in relief once the elevator dinged and he got out. He didn't want to see anyone else. Not yet.

Yeonjun unlocked the door and slipped into his room. He took off his shoes and threw them somewhere in the direction of the shoe rack but missed and ended up taking his jacket off instead. After tossing the coat aside, he flopped onto the couch, letting his limbs lay out.

The moment he laid down, he bursted into tears, recalling the conversation he just had an hour ago with Hyunjin. His heart shattered at the thought that he may never get a chance to talk to the younger again. He cried for a while before his emotions subsided. As he was wiping his tears away, Yeonjun looked around his room to inspect his surroundings. He noticed that his stuff was a mess since he completely forgot about them before leaving this morning.

With a tired sigh, Yeonjun crawled off the couch and gathered his things. When he finished tidying up, he felt his phone vibrated. He picked it up without thinking twice and saw that it was a message from Beomgyu. He was telling him that he's planning to throw a welcome back party for him and inviting all of the boys.

Yeonjun smiles softly and types out a reply. "Sure. Sounds fun. What day?" He types, placing his phone on his coffee table. Yeonjun stares at his phone until he feels exhausted, his eyes beginning to droop. He grabs his pillows to hug, snuggling into the covers and falling fast asleep within seconds.

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