Chapter Nineteen : Tiring Day (🔞)

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Yeonjun and Soobin were cuddling in the couch. They were snuggled up under a blanket as the television hummed quietly on in front of them. It wasn't exactly late in the afternoon, but it was close. The TV was turned on to some random cartoon, and Yeonjun had his arm around the other boy. His head rested against Soobin's shoulder and they were both comfortably warm with each other.

"Babe," Soobin mumbled into Yeonjun's hair, "what are you thinking about this time?"
Yeonjun shrugged slightly without moving, "it's just that I love how we can be so comfortable like this without even having to move a muscle. Like there is absolutely no stress in the world right now. You know?" He paused, tilting his head up to look Soobin in the eye. "I feel safe around you, as always."

Soobin smiled brightly and gently stroked his thumb over Yeonjun's hand resting atop the blanket, "you mean it feels like home with me. Always."
Yeonjun leaned up to press his lips to Soobin's cheek, then back down onto his shoulder, "that's right, baby."

They were silent for a minute or two before Soobin broke the silence, "so when am I going to meet your parents?"
Yeonjun shifted slightly so that he was now looking at Soobin properly, but not making direct eye contact.

"You will meet them soon. I'll introduce you to them by tomorrow."
Soobin raised an eyebrow curiously. "By tomorrow? That soon? Do you have something planned?"

Yeonjun laughed softly, leaning forward and pressing a kiss to Soobin's lips. "Not really. I just want them to get to know you. That's all."
"Oh. Well, thank you for that," Soobin replied, smiling widely. He reached out and took Yeonjun's face into his hands.

"I would love to meet them too. They seem very nice." His eyes lit up with excitement and a bit of mischief as he added, "especially your mom. She's very sweet like you."
"She is," Yeonjun agreed happily. "My mother is probably the most caring person I know. She's always willing to listen to my problems if I need her."

"Good," Soobin said, smiling softly and running his thumbs over Yeonjun's cheeks. And then he leaned up, pulling the other close onto his lap for a quick kiss. When their lips met, their hearts seemed to leap together, and it almost felt like they had never been apart since. Soobin pulled away after a moment, though, still holding Yeonjun's face in his hands. "I love you," he whispered, voice soft and sincere.

Yeonjun blushed heavily, eyes falling closed as he tried to fight the overwhelming feelings that filled him up from the inside. He couldn't help smiling through the tears that threatened to spill over his lashes, his heart swelling so much it hurt. He loved Soobin, and he loved hearing that from Soobin. Hearing it made everything better.

He opened his eyes again to see that Soobin was watching him, eyes soft with love and affection. Yeonjun could easily drown in those eyes, could fall asleep in them every night if it meant staying here and getting to spend every single day with Soobin. As cheesy as it sounds, it's true. He did love Soobin so much.
Yeonjun smiled warmly as Soobin brought a hand up to wipe away a tear that fell from his eye. It was hard to believe that someone could actually care this much about him.
Yeonjun blinked a few times to get rid of the tears. "Let's continue this to your room and rest after."

Soobin nodded and stood, lifting Yeonjun easily with him in his arms, making the smaller squeak in surprise. He grinned wide and carried Yeonjun bridal style across the living room and towards upstairs. Yeonjun wrapped his arms around Soobin's neck and buried his face in Soobin's neck as he giggled at Soobin's antics.

After a little while, Soobin reached his bedroom, carefully placing Yeonjun on the bed. Yeonjun sat up straight on the mattress, legs crossed, and looked at Soobin expectantly. Soobin sat beside him, leaning forward with one hand on either side of his thighs.

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