Chapter Fifteen : See You Soon

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"What’s going on?” Was all Soobin could asked once he stepped further into the apartment. He could hear the panic in Kai’s voice.

The younger male was currently in the kitchen with two of their other friends and their landlady. They were standing around, clearly having a heated discussion and Kai looked absolutely frazzled.

“Miss Kim, please don’t do this! We have nowhere to go.” Kai begged desperately, hands held out in front of him, as if it would stop her from taking their stuff. “Just let me pay for my rent and we can be out of your hair forever! Please!”

Soobin stood in the doorway of the living room, his jaw hanging low. What he had just heard… that woman was threatening to kick them out of their apartment? How cruel was she that they wouldn’t even have somewhere to stay if she kicked them out? Soobin felt like crying right then and there. How much more unfair could life get?
“Miss Kim.” Soobin called out to the lady. His tone held authority. The way he held himself made it seem like he expected her to listen to him.

She turned sharply towards him, and before Soobin could stop himself or try to soften the blow, he was already speaking, “I’ll pay for his rent, just return our stuff back. We we’re leaving soon anyway.”
Her stare was calculating. Her lips pursed, and her eyebrows furrowed slightly before she spoke. “How soon?”

“Later at lunch. How much should I have to pay?” He tried not to flinch under her glare, instead looking determinedly to one side. It wasn’t easy to maintain eye contact when your eyes are locked onto her face. The woman didn’t need to intimidate him any further.

She didn’t know how much he had to pay either. Soobin was prepared to offer her anything. Anything she wanted. “thirty thousand won. is that enough for you?”

It seemed to take an age for her answer. Soobin was ready to turn away, ready to accept whatever she would give him without question. But finally the woman spoke. “Where’s the money?” she demanded.

Soobin pulled out his wallet. In it, he put thirty thousand Won in cash. He placed it carefully next to a pair of earrings and a necklace that sat in front of her. He couldn’t bear to look anymore into those brown eyes that seemed to pierce through him. “Here. It’s a good sum. I think that’s enough, you may go now.”
His words were soft but firm, making sure that she understood how serious he was.

Soobin watched as the woman stared down at the money, seemingly conflicted between the thought of turning her nose up at money or accepting it so easily. Eventually, she relented. After all, he was offering her half of his entire monthly allowance too… And if it meant she would let them stay longer, maybe he’d be happy about it.

She nodded curtly before turning on her heel, disappearing down the hallway and into the stairwell. When the door swung shut, Soobin released the breath he hadn’t realized he had been holding. His body relaxed, almost slumping against the wall behind him. The tension left him immediately as he exhaled shakily. Kai and the rest of the group were still waiting for their reply. “Go all three of you and leave me alone. Now.” Soobin said. There was no emotion in his voice. Nothing except the coldness of disappointment.

Kai sighed but followed after their friends, leaving Soobin in the middle of the living room by himself. He looked at the pile of belongings that remained on the floor and frowned. With a sigh, he walked over to them and began picking up the clothes scattered on the ground. Once all of their items were gathered in his arms, Soobin carried the pile over upstairs to Kai’s bedroom.

After cleaning things up, Soobin returned downstairs, carrying the last few things. When Kai saw what Soobin was carrying he let out a quiet, “Hyung.” But when Soobin didn’t respond, his frown only deepened, eyes shifting around nervously. “Sorry for causing you trouble earlier.” He finally offered in a whisper after several seconds passed by in silence.
Soobin just shook his head, “No worries. You shouldn’t apologize for being stressed. You can never really expect to handle everything on your own. It’s alright.”

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