Chapter Thirty-One : A Night To Remember

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Soobin was standing near the balcony railings, trying to get used into the chilly air as he admired the moonlight reflecting off the beach. The sound of distant laughter echoed through his head as he took deep breathes and tried not to think about anything but how nice it felt just being outside, alone with nature.

Soobin had always loved to be surrounded by nature when he was younger, it brought him a sense of peace that wasn’t often found in crowded city areas. And he loves to be alone no matter what. It made things so much easier. He didn’t have to put up an act to keep people at distance. And he likes the silence that accompanies quiet contemplation. Soobin takes time every day to just be himself, because he doesn’t need any distractions.  Just him. Nothing else matters, nothing else really matters.

Well…almost nothing. Because finally, for once in his life, Yeonjun was there to accompany him. Ever since he met him, his life completely changes.  Now, Yeonjun is more important than even Soobin knows himself to be. He can tell from the way he holds the blonde boy closer and looks up to stare longingly into dark brown orbs. Yeonjun makes him feel like nothing and everything in all the world. It makes Soobin question if he really deserves someone so precious.  Soobin is selfish enough to want it all for himself, but he can’t help it.

Yeonjun has him wrapped around his finger. He’s always so sweet to Soobin, giving him gentle words and warm touches and soft glances whenever they’re alone. And Soobin loves it, more than he wants to admit.  But he can’t help but let go of some of his selfishness so he can give back something in return. The midnight air brings a chill to Soobin’s exposed skin, and he feels the cold seep through his clothes, causing goosebumps to form on his arms. But he doesn’t move, instead letting himself revel in the cool temperature.  He enjoys the silence that engulfs him as he stares out into the night sky, eyes fixated on one single star.

And then he close his eyes, wishing everything would never end and to have a happy life with his long time partner. As he inhales deeply and exhales calmly to calm down, he thinks of how lucky he is. And it’s scary but Soobin decides he won’t question the universe or whatever higher force that decided to bring them together. They deserve this, together. For themselves and their happiness.
“There you are,” Soobin hears a voice say softly behind him, “Why are you here alone?”

Soobin smiles as he turns to face his fiancé, who is standing beside the railing, smiling affectionately in his direction. His hands are shoved into his jeans pockets.

“I just wanted to breathe and relax for a moment. It’s too noisy inside.” Yeonjun nods his head understandingly. Soobin continues, “Why don’t you come and join me here?”

Yeonjun walks towards Soobin and sits beside him on the balcony. Yeonjun leans his head against Soobin’s shoulder and they both sit silently enjoying the moonlight shining onto the beach below them. Neither talks as the minutes pass slowly by. After a while, Yeonjun speaks, “Soobin? What were you thinking about?”

“You.” Soobin replies, without missing a beat. Yeonjun’s cheeks flush red. Soobin can feel Yeonjun shaking slightly next to him. He chuckles at the flustered expression. “What were you thinking about?” He asks again, his hand finding itself in Yeonjun’s hair.

“I’m happy, very happy. I still can’t believe I’m gonna get married to you.” The smile on Yeonjun’s face says it all though. Soobin smiles in return before resting his forehead against Yeonjun’s. Yeonjun’s breath hitches and his eyes fill with tears. Soobin quickly wipes them away before they fall. It seems they’re always shedding tears lately. Soobin feels like crying himself. “I love you so much.” Yeonjun whispers gently. Soobin smiles again, before leaning over and pressing their lips together gently. When they break apart, their foreheads remain pressed together as they breathe deeply. “I love you too.” Soobin says softly. They stay like that for several minutes as the sounds of the party fade away. They don’t speak anymore, content with simply being with each other and listening to the noises coming from inside the resort.

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