Chapter Twenty-Three : Invitation

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A deep groan leaves Felix’s lips as he rolls around all over his bed. He has been texting Hyunjin for about an hour now but the other only left them on read.

‘Maybe he’s busy,’ thinks Felix as he picks up his phone again and opens a new message to Hyunjin that just said “Hey, are you okay?” But when Felix sends it Hyunjin doesn’t respond so he gives up and falls back into bed with a loud sigh. Maybe he should stop bothering the guy for the meantime.

The sound of the shower coming from his bathroom pulls him out of his thoughts as Beomgyu called out to him. “Felix! Throw the towel in here, please!” he shouts.

Felix frowns, throws the towel into their laundry hamper and grabs the spare one from under his pillow. He makes his way across their room to throw it at Beomgyu who is standing near the door, trying not to expose himself completely. “Here you go, loser,” Felix said with a sigh as he throws the towel over Beomgyu’s head. Beomgyu grumbles but doesn’t take it off. “Thank you, bitch.”
The older just chuckled and went back to his bed, leaving the younger to change in the bathroom.
“By the way, Gyu. What are your plans for today?” asks Felix after a moment.

Beomgyu looks up at him from underneath his towel, surprised by this question. “Oh, I don’t know yet.” He lets out a little laugh. “Maybe hang out with you? It’s been a while since we last hung out. We never do any of those silly shit on the weekend, you know.”
Felix smiles fondly at his friend. “Well, if you want we could go hang out at a nature park later today.”

“We’ll see, but let’s not stay there for too long ‘cause I still have work in the evening.” Beomgyu laughs, taking the towel off and hanging it back on top of Felix’s hamper.
Felix shrugs, “Okay then. I guess I won’t see you tonight?”
“Yeah, probably.”

Beomgyu smiles before giving Felix a playful slap on the shoulder. “Don’t worry yourself too much though. I promise we will get to hang out more soon.” With that he exits Felix’s bedroom, leaving the other alone with his thoughts. The older sighs deeply as he lays down on the bed.

He hates feeling lonely.
A moment later, the sound of the doorbell rings throughout the house. Felix shoots up right away in alarm, nearly knocking his head against the headboard from how fast he’d sat up. He then ran downstairs and towards the front door where a tall figure was standing, holding a paperbag in their hand. A tall figure wearing a hoodie. And a face mask.
Felix stares blankly at the guy until he remembers who he is. “Taehyun?”

The guy nods, smiling slightly. “Hi, hyung,” he replies as he pushes open the front door and walks in, dropping his bag on the floor and stepping onto the mat. Taehyun takes off his mask after removing his shoes, letting the wind blow gently through his black hair. “What brings you here?”

“Visiting Beomgyu and you. I brought snacks.” Taehyun pulls the bag out from behind his back and hands the elder a small wrapped package of cookies. Taehyun then drops down on the sofa in the living room. Felix followed behind slowly, sitting on the couch next to Taehyun.

After opening the package, Felix starts eating one of the cookie sticks that he picked up on his way here. Taehyun watches him quietly before speaking up. “Where is he?”
“Oh, he’s in his room changing.” Felix glances over at Taehyun with a smile. “Hold on, I’ll call him for you.”

“Okay.” Taehyun sits back comfortably and crosses his legs. He closes his eyes as he waits. Felix went back upstairs to check up on Beomgyu and found the boy changing in the bedroom, a bit red cheeked because of the heat of his room. When Beomgyu noticed Felix standing in the doorway he suddenly screamed in surprise.

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