Chapter 4

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Daou POV

Daou seemed to make it to the hospital in record time. He definitely broke a few traffic laws. He parked his bike and raced into the hospital.

"Excuse me," Daou said, panting as he reached the information stand. "My parents are here. There was a car accident." The nurses' eyes lit up in recognition.

"Yes, please follow me, we were expecting you." The nurse informed Daou as she waved for him to follow her down the corridor. Daou could hear raised voices coming from the room, as the nurse stopped and motioned for him to go through the open door he wai'd to her and walked through the door, walking into what seemed like chaos.

Gear was in between one of his men and Boss. His father was standing off to the side looking rather annoyed at the situation. Daou gave him a glance over to see nothing but some dirt on his suit. His mother, who had a bandage on her arm, was hovering over a hospital bed that contained a banged-up Offroad. He had a bandage on the right side of his head with little scrapes down his face and neck. His white button-up Daou had seen him in the morning was wide open exposing his chest spotted with blood. Daou couldnt see his whole chest due to the blankets on him but he could see there was bruising.

"This is his fault!" Gears man, Daou couldn't remember but believed his name Nut, shouted pointing a finger at Offroad.

"Say it's his fault one more time and I'll squish you like a bug short ass!" Boss growled back.

"Boys!" His mother shouted. Daou just realized her bandage arm was currently holding onto Offroads' hand. Daou couldn't hold his anger anymore.

"Anyone wanna tell me what the fuck is going on?" Daou practically yelled over the top of everyone else's voices, causing everyone to turn and look at him.

"He deviated from the fucking route!" Nut shouted pointing at Offroad.

"Because your goddamn boss told him to!" Boss now pointed at Daous' father.

"Boss!" Offroad shouted, who then immediately flinched in pain grabbing his side.

"Oh, honey don't move, we still don't know if your ribs are broken or not." His mother sighed, patting Offroads head.

"Mrs. Zheng I told you I've had worse I'll be okay." Offroad smiled at her. Watching that smile being directed at someone else when he had been trying to see it for weeks at this point pissed Daou off.

"Someone tell me what the fuck happened!" Daou screamed.

"Your father couldn't find his phone." Boss said finally backing away from Nut. "They found it in the driver's pocket, the traffic and the road work made it so we could only take the alleyway to turn back to look for it, at your father's insistence."

"And they were waiting?" Daou was the one to jump this time as Terry's voice sounded off right next to him. Daou knew the man wasn't going to be too far behind him but still, he was shocked to see him there already.

Boss nodded, "Offroad suggested having the other car turn back to look but your father insisted we do."

"My entire life is on that phone." Daous' father chimed in.

"Was it worth your wife's life?" Terry had interjected before Daou could speak. "Was it worth anyone's life inside that car?" Terry glared at his father. "When I had you reach out to Offroad for security it was because he is the best and knows that people plan things like this," Terry explained as he walked over to Offroad's bed and began examining him. "You okay son?"

"Been worse," Offroad chuckled. Daou couldn't tell if he was pissed because of the situation or if it was because of all the people who currently surrounded Offroad. His mother, Terry, and Boss were all currently touching Offroad somewhere and Daou just wanted to rip their hands off of him.

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