Chapter 12

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Daou POV

Daou sat at the bar nursing his 3rd drink of the evening. He had spent the last 24 hours looking high and low for Offroad. He wasn't at his office, he wasn't at Terry's, to which Daou probably owes Terry and Rin an apology waking them up in the middle of the night and demanding to search their home looking for the boy but he was not there. Terry tried to console him but Daou wasn't having it he just wanted Offroad. The boy was running away from him and hiding and my god was he good. Daou begged Boss for help but it was no help if we had Offroad's phone. Speaking of the phone it wouldn't stop going off every 4 seconds. There was an email or message or a call from someone needing him for something. Daou was surprised Offroad hadn't chucked it out of a window before last night.

Daou also hadn't been home. He could not look at his father and not want to blame him for all of this. His mother called asking where he was and when he was coming home. Daou lied and used Lee and training as an excuse, she was worried about his safety but Daou had Gear with him he wasn't going to be stupid even if he was currently going out of his mind.

"Never in a million years did I expect to be sitting down with you," an irritating voice called from behind him. Daou looked up into the mirror behind the bar and met Zax's eyes. Daou didn't want to call him last night but unlike someone, he wasn't going to fucking wait 2 years to talk to the man.

"You better be glad I have more important things to worry about other than kicking your ass for what you did," Daou growled, throwing back the rest of his drink. Zax squeezed in next to Daou signaling the bartender to bring him whatever Daou was drinking.

"And what would be that?" Zax asked, taking the first swig of his drink.

"Calling my fucking father," Daou said declining a refill from the bartender.

"What can I say I am a sore loser," Zax smirked to himself causing Daou to grumble as he wanted nothing more than to wipe that smirk right off his face.

"The fuck did you lose hmm?" Daou inquired what he was talking about.

"That day I asked Offroad to get back together with me,"

"What!?" Daou screamed in shock causing Zax to shhhh him, motioning him to quiet down.

"Jesus you are fucking loud," Zax hissed. "And don't worry he fucking chose you."

"What?" Daou asked, confused, wanting to make sure he had heard Zax right.

"He fucking choose youuuuuuu," Zax said clearly annoyed downing the rest of his drink and ordering a second. Daou felt the happiness blossom inside of him and it was clearly showing on his face as Zax made a face after looking at him. "God you are annoying."

"I'm sorry my happiness annoys you," Daou said, smiling to himself now.

"Yeah, we'll just know your happiness can thank me and my fuck ups," Zax grumbled downing his second drink.

"Speaking of fuck ups, the reason I called you is-"

"You fucked up, pissed him off, he ran away, ditched his any way you have of locating him and now you have no clue how to find him?" Zax asked side glancing at Daou. "Figured, he did the same thing when we broke up. Offroad can handle any type of physical confrontation you throw at him but make it emotional and he shuts down and runs."

"Where is he?" Daou asked, hoping Zax knew something.

"Why would I tell you that, seems like a prime time for me to swoop in." Zax laughed ignoring Daou's glare.

"Because if you ever cared about him you would tell me," Daou growled, resisting the urge to grab Zax up by his shirt. Zax sat quietly, seeming to be lost in thought.

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