Zax POV"No, don't tell Pa!" Zax watched as a little girl with a face resembling the man he was once in love with chased after her older brother who bore the face of the man Zax used to call enemy but now calls a friend. Zax watched the little boy, now 7, race up the few steps to the outside patio and cling to his father's leg startling Offroad at the impact. "He is lying!" The little girl, 5, who was hot on his heels yelled as Daou scooped her up.
"She stuck her fingers in the cake," the little boy said, peering up at Offroad.
Zax couldn't help but smile to himself. Almost 10 years had passed. Offroad getting shot and having to undergo surgery caused everyone to panic. It was touch and go for a while but he ended up pulling through like Zax thought. He was even able to attend the title fight with him and Daou which Daou won. Zax had to roll his eyes at that one. Daou after winning ended up finding Offroad in the crowd and dropped to one knee asking Offroad to marry him. Everyone was shocked but the stadium broke out in cheers when Offroad nodded yes and broke out in tears. They were married a year later. Zax after the loss decided his time in the circuit was over and decided to open his own gym with an unlikely business partner who was also planning on retiring himself. This year they celebrated opening their 8th location. Daou approached him when Zax was looking for investors. He said "Let bygones be bygones' and Zax was ready to move forward with his life. However, even after 10 years was still not allowed to be alone in the same room with Offroad. Something's would never change.
The married couple held a congratulatory party for theirs and Offroad's business expansion and announced they were expecting a son with a surrogate. The boy never left Offroad's side. And then 2 years after that announcement, they announced their daughter. And here we are 5 years later all gathered in their home waiting on the 3rd announcement of the gender. People never asked which child belonged to which man, they were both fathers, but their genes were strong. The boy looked like an exact replica of Daou and if Offroad grew his hair any longer he would be looking at the mirror when looking at his daughter. She was a Papas girl through and through which made sense cause Daou was head over heels in love with the man she resembled. Daou still looked at Offroad the same way as he had been for 10 years. Sometimes Zax wanted to be jealous of the life they had and that he could be the one there standing next to Offroad about to announce their new child but those thoughts were always quickly cut short when he watched Offroad look at Daou. Offroad had never looked at him like that. Daou had kept his promise to him. If Daou and Offroad fought no one knew and the issues were settled quickly and Daou never had to come to Zax for assistance ever again.
"Are you ready for your own?" Terry's voice and slap to the shoulder pull him from his thoughts.
"Me? Kids?" Zax laughed. He didn't have the time nor the patience Daou and Offroad had. He loved kids and maybe one day but if one day it didn't happen he would also be okay with that.
"I heard through the grapevine you are dating someone?" Terry asked, raising an eyebrow.
"You heard correctly but it didn't go anywhere," Zax said while taking a drink of his drink. The man he had gone out on a date with was just blah. His date's personality was comparable to the beige-colored walls you see in new homes; it would suit someone just not him.
"One day?" Terry asked more as a question than a foreshadowing to which Zax just shrugged.
"How about you and Rin?" Zax said, deflecting the situation back onto him.
"We have 3 boys." Terry laughed nodding towards the balcony as Rin was speaking with Daou and Offroad.
"You mean I dated my brother?" Zax joked laughing.

Eyes On Me
FanfictionHi everyone! Here is the long awaited Bodyguard story! PLEASE MAKE SURE TO READ THE INFORMATION CHAPTER! THE IS A WORK OF FAN FICTION I hope you all enjoy it!