Offroad POV"I would like you to be the personal security to my son," Mr. Zheng asked Offroad.
"What?" Sounded from both Offroad and Daou. They were all currently occupying Mr. Zheng's study.
"Father, I don't need a bodyguard," Daou argued.
"The 6-inch gash you have in your stomach says otherwise." Offroad snidely said to Daou giving him a side-eye. "However, that bodyguard does not need to be me."
"It was a surface wound that just bled like crazy. I am perfectly fine." Daou countered.
Daou had been attacked a few days ago outside his gym. Everyone had rushed to the hospital only to find a perfectly fine Daou joking around with the young boy he was sharing a room with according to Boss. When Offroad heard the news he couldn't help but bug Boss every 5 seconds for updates only to feel very annoyed when he found out he had been worried for nothing. The slash on his stomach was just that, no stitches only skin glue, the nurses were even baffled as to why it bled so much.
"Son, this matter is no longer up to you." Mr. Zheng silenced him.
"Sir, I can assure you I will place Boss-"
"No," Mr. Zheng said, interrupting Offroad. "Boss will remain here. I know how these people operate and they are going to go after my family before me. Myself and my wife are perfectly content in staying on the property and canceling meetings and affairs. However, my stubborn son will not be so inclined to do so. So I need you with him." Offroad couldn't argue with that logic; he knew Mr. Zheng was correct.
"This is ridiculous," Daou grumbled, flopping back in his seat like a child who didn't get his way. "I won't stand for this."
"Daou!" His father shouted, causing Offroad and him to jump in their seats. "You either accept Offroad as your bodyguard when you leave this house or I swear on my soul I will hire an army of guards to follow you 24-7." Mr. Zheng pointed his finger into his son's face. Offroad watched Daou's face grow red with anger before he stood up and stormed out of his father's office. Mr. Zheng sighed. "I understand my son didn't ask for this life but unfortunately it is the one we were given."
"No worries sir," Offroad reassured Mr. Zheng. "I will speak with him."
"He will be at the gym. It is where he always goes when he is upset." Mr. Zheng informed him. "If he isn't there his friend Lee will be able to tell you where he is." Offroad nodded at a defeated-looking Mr. Zheng. Offroad understood just how much the man cared for his family. Offroad stood and wai'd to Mr. Zheng before turning to leave the office.
"That was eventful," Boss said as Offroad stepped out of the office, shutting the door.
"Who told you you could eavesdrop?" Offroad asked Boss, grabbing him into a headlock.
"I'm his security detail and the walls are thin," Boss choked out smacking Offroad in the stomach causing him to hiss in pain and release Boss from the headlock. "Oh shit, I am sorry," Boss exclaimed quickly. Offroad's bruising hasn't faded all the way and he was still quite sore but his head, arm, and leg were all better.
"No, worries. Go round on the trainees from the office and meet me over at the gym." Offroad told Boss straightening his suit.
"What? Why?" Boss asked, confused.
"We are going to have ourselves a field lesson." Offroad smiled at Boss patting him on the shoulder before making his way out of the house. He knew that Daou wasnt going to listen to words so Offroad decided he was going to make him listen with actions.

Eyes On Me
FanfictionHi everyone! Here is the long awaited Bodyguard story! PLEASE MAKE SURE TO READ THE INFORMATION CHAPTER! THE IS A WORK OF FAN FICTION I hope you all enjoy it!