Chapter 5 Meeting with the Devil

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After the meeting, I said goodbye to Ninong and mentioned that I had somewhere to go. I was about to join the others when Zero offered,

"Come with me."

I just smirked as he looked at me.

"You look beautiful today."


"Alright, come with him. Steven and I have somewhere else to go."

I had no choice but to go with him as they walked away ahead of me.

"What am I going to do? It looks like I'll be alone with you now."

I gave him a stern look as he suddenly linked arms with me.

"Remove your hand if you don't want it to get cut off."

"Chill! What are you, scary!"

"You should be scared. Let's go, I don't want to be late for my appointment."

We started walking away when he asked,

"Where is a beautiful lady like you heading?"

"On a date."

I was surprised when he stopped and touched his chest.

"You broke my heart, Leila. I asked you on a date once, but you rejected me, and now - "

"Tch, don't be so dramatic. This is for a mission."

"Oh, okay, then can you go out with me?"

"You wish."

"Wow, you're the only woman who rejects me."

"Why, are you feeling challenged?"

"Yes, baby, and I will get you too."

"Just keep dreaming."

I paused when he opened the door of a Rolls-Royce La Rose Noire. Wow, he's really going big time now?

"Are you amazed?"

He held the door open for me.

Turns out, he's a gentleman too.

"Don't get your hopes up, I can buy ten of these cars."

I glanced at the car and couldn't help but be impressed.

"So, where are you getting off?"

"At Magic Mall, my date texted me that they're already there waiting."

"Oh, really? You have to mention your date, don't you? Aren't you even sorry for my heart?"

I remained silent throughout the journey while he kept talking.

"Leila, have you fallen in love?"

I looked at him and chuckled.

"Has Cupid struck you? Is this karma?"

"Just asking!"

"So, what do you do in life? Like, do you work?"

"Actually, I'm jobless."

I see disappointment in his eyes.

"What do you mean you're jobless? So where does your money come from? Do you have a sugar daddy?"

"You're quick to judge."

"I'm just asking."

"Well, I have a company."


"Yes, and I have employees who take care of it. So basically, I'm jobless."

"You're interesting. I think I like you."

"So, after this, where should we go?"

"Oh, I mentioned in the text that I have a café. There's no one there. Do you want to see it?"

"Sure thing."

After a while, we left the mall. He opened the car door for me.

"Well, if you haven't asked, I bought this car not because of my parents but because of my band. It's cool, right?"

"Yeah, your Lamborghini looks great."

Soon, we arrived at his café. It was probably not fully operational yet.

Unfortunately for him, his blood will be the sacrifice.

He pulled me towards the restroom and suddenly kissed me. It wasn't new to me, as I learned everything for the mission.

I kissed him back, and as his kiss moved lower to my neck, I pulled out the knife hidden in my dress.

Then, I stabbed him in the stomach.

"What the fuck?"

He slowly backed away, holding his stomach.

I grinned.

"I know you're the one who killed those three women."

"What are you talking about?"

"You get away with your crimes because your family takes care of it, right?"

He was about to approach me, but I kicked his stomach, causing him to lie down.

"You know, I really hate people like you."


"In addition to your arrogance, you also kill innocent people just to satisfy yourself."

I continued to stab him, remembering what happened in the past and realizing that he was the one I was looking for.

That he was Ian Moone!

I struggled to catch my breath as I saw Paul! Leaning against the door, he was looking at me!

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