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Traveling for hours with strong, almost fatal fatigue was sure to get the best of Brinley later as she prepared herself for the "time of her life" for the first time being treated as a young adult. Thankfully, she was granted the next three months off due to Summer break and she could not be any happier. The time had finally approached her for her to let go and actually live a little, and she was so ready. Brinley just graduated Riverdale High School, with honors and being in the top ten, no scratch that, top five percentile of nearly five hundred senior students.

As a part of her graduation gift, Brinley's generous parents agreed to let her stay with her cousin in Australia, given she's always wanted to visit the country down under. Although Brinley was excited, she also had an overwhelming fear of meeting her cousin, Carson again for the second time. The first time they met, Brinley and her small family consisting of her parents and her sister Alexis or Lex, were on a cruise with Brinley's Aunt Carrie and her family when she was around seven, so it only made sense that she didn't remember Carson. Boys had cooties then and Brinley surely wasn't risking anything there.

Brinley swore up and down the only reason her strict parents had ever even slightly thought about letting Brinley go on her own was that every year when Aunt Carrie sent her family a Christmas card, she made sure to include that the family should fly out and visit, and maybe for the fact that she would be living with her older cousin Carson in his guest bedroom so he could look out for her. Brinley didn't mind though, she was just thrilled after years of pleading to go, she finally got to and hopefully make new friends before the three months came to an end. After all, Brinley definitely wasn't that hard to get along with, she was just naturally shy unlike her sister. And clumsy. And awkward. And.. well you get it.

Time neared closer and closer for Brinley's departure, and it seemed she grew more nervous by the millisecond. She's never travelled alone before, including simply driving to the grocery store for a snack. She's always had Lex to join her because she's paranoid about everything but yet here she was, 10 minutes away from boarding a plane to Sydney, Australia... alone.

Soon, way too soon and before she knew it, the last call for her flight was announced over the PA system of the airport and she bid farewell to each of her family members one last time before finally leaving to discover herself.

"I want you to remember to stay safe and have fun. I love you." Her sweet mother reminded her, wiping tears from her eyes, knowing that if she hugged Brinley once more she would change her mind.

"I can't believe my little girl is so grown up." Her father cried as Brinley sighed deeply, "I'll be back before you know it, Dad. You won't even know I'm gone!" She giggled at the thought of how cliche the moment was, wrapping her arms around his torso and squeezing tightly.

"Yeah, that's right. It's not like she ever leaves her room anyway." Lex giggled, coming closer to hug her twin sister one last time. "I'll miss you and our three am talks, have fun and meet a nice boy while you're there, will ya?" Brinley just smiled, reaching down to grab her huge luggage.

"Bye, I love you all!" Brinley exclaimed for the final time as she trotted away in her matte black doc martens while multiple people of Florida examined as to how she was dressed mighty odd due to Australia's seasons being wildly different.

"Don't forget to facetime me!!" Lex called out before she watched Brinley's dirty-blonde ponytail bounce out of sight.

Surprisingly, Brinley was one of the first people to board on the plane because she a) had a fear of missing her flight since she's first booked it because fun fact, she's nearly late to everything and b) wanted a window seat. Not that anyone could blame her, but it didn't seem like very many people were going to be joining her on this flight considering it was four am on the first Friday of Summer break to arrive in Australia on Sunday in late fall around six pm due to those god awful things called time zones that she would have to eventually get used to if she was going to get accustomed to the Australian lifestyle.

The pilot announced that the sixteen hour flight would now be "commencing" as he put it so Brinley buckled herself into her seat, by the window like she planned of course, and soon lost herself deep in thought.

What if Carson ends up not liking me? What if we have absolutely no common interests at all? Will he help me if I need him to, or will he go all big brother on me and say "You have to find out for yourself."? It doesn't matter, her self conscious reminded her, he's your cousin. Of course he will like you, you're the closest thing he has to a sister. So she began to relax by putting on her beats, clicking shuffle on her "chill tf out" playlist (because how original amirite) and closing her eyes to take a nap.

Hours later, Brinley was harshly awoken by the pilot reminding the maybe twenty-seven passengers at most that the plane would land at 10:30 to refuel. The time read 8:37 am so she got a good four hours of sleep, which means almost a good two more hours to go until she could stretch and get some cheaper food. How was she ever going to survive?

Sighing because she realized that she would have to somewhat entertain herself, she reached over to her carry on bag and grabbed her copy of Looking for Alaska by John Green, which was her favorite book and Green was her favorite author. She enjoyed all his books really. Brinley loved every aspect of the story and loved how John Green wrote about his characters seeing as she found herself relatable to Alaska.

Once she reached where Pudge and Alaska shared their first kiss she smiled, finding herself wishing she could be an author as great as John Green. She wished she could have an interesting love life decent enough for a book and then decided one day she would.

a/n: omg hey guys!!! you probably thought you were never gonna see the day this was posted huh? ;-) well tell ya pets, tell all ya four husbands if you will, tell ya friends, tell ya dogs, tell ya cats, tell basically any and all luke girls of the 5sos family and any of the 5sos family in general to check this out because it's time to get ta readin u cute ass lovely princesses!!!!1!!!2!!1! ALSO before anyone comments "is she gonna fall in love with her cousin?!?!?" I will kms bc no omg

ps Gabriella Wilde is Brinley and there's a picture to the side :-)

Enjoy!! -Cameryn the John Green book enthusiast (I own them all, sue me)

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