// two //

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Finally after even more hours passed, the plane stopped to refuel and that gave around thirty passengers a chance to walk around, stretch, eat, call their loved ones and so forth. Brinley easily decided her best bet would be to grab some food and call her parents to let them know that she's still alive and safe. So when she finally did, her mother kept reminding her of how much she missed her although she was so proud to have an adventurous daughter like her.

Brinley knew, but couldn't quite comprehend just how much her parents were proud of her. To Brinley, she was nothing special. She was blatantly normal. Normal is not special and normal is not interesting. Her natural dirty blonde hair and blue eyes were almost considered a rarity, but she thought nothing special of it. She was normal. Her life was normal, so unbelievably normal that it was almost boring really. At school, she did what she had to do and then went home basically, and once she was within the comforting confines of her humble abode, she watched Friends (her favorite show) on Netflix and tried to keep up with the latest graphic tee's her favorite band members wore. It was a honest struggle really.

Then her mom handed the phone to her dad. You could tell Mr.Edwards was ecstatic by the way the words flowed out of his mouth so quickly and into the receiver. Brinley was the real-life definition of "daddy's little girl" and has been all her life with her tom-boyish ways so she didn't mind. Her father taught her things like how to play soccer, how to swim, to ride a bike, and most importantly how to kick a boy's ass if needed. Mr.Edwards was always worried about his girls, and one day when Brinley and Lex's 4th grade teacher, Ms.Brooks, called their household to let him know that Brinley had violently broken a kid's nose, he worried no more.

After minutes of mindless chatter, the announcement for Brinley's next flight was called which abruptly ended her phone call.

"Yeah I know and I only have about seven more hou- hey dad they're calling my flight again."

"Alright, I'm glad you're safe. I love you. Make good choices."

"Haha," she laughed. "I love you too, dad." She said before hanging up and grabbing her carry-on bag and practically running to the gate.

This time, Brinley has boarded the flight a few minutes later than she had on her first flight. She concluded this because more people she had not seen had boarded and the plane was starting to become more full and compacted as she took her seat.

Thank God I wasn't running late. Brinley thought. The window seat is truly the best seat.

Breaking her out of her thoughts, a boy her age or maybe even slightly older spoke.

"Excuse me miss, is this seat available?"

Brinley silently stared at the boy before stuttering, "Uhm y-yes."

The boy's voice was a bit raspy and fast paced as Brinley suddenly noticed his accent when he spoke. She could've figured he ran onto the plane considering the small beads of sweat that he attained on his forehead, and the fact that the pilot had just announced to the passengers that take off was in a mere fifteen minutes.

"Thank you so much." The boy exclaimed, out of breath. "I'm exhausted."

Brinley laughed, replying "You're welcome." Then she studied how the atmosphere became silent as she not so nonchalantly analyzed this boy's features. His long and outstretched legs clad in black skinny jeans implied that he was tall, and Brinley instantly noticed when he first spoke and thought He is a giant compared to me. Which is saying quite a bit considering that Brinley is tall for a girl. She was five feet and ten inches.

Next her eyes trailed to his arms that were covered with a denim jacket. They were muscular, but not muscular enough to say he had been working out that much if any at all really. His hair was quiffed and a dirty blonde shade. His skin was contrastingly pale compared to hers but that's just because Brinley had spent time tanning back home before she left. Back home in Florida, where the weather was always nice you could wear your swimsuit almost every day of the year. She found herself wondering what colors his eyes were up close, wondering how intense his stare could possibly be... and then she found out.

"Can I help you?" The boy said politely, smirking. Blue. Of course they were blue. That was her weakness.

"Uhm no. I was just looking for an attendant to help me connect to the wifi." Brinley lied.

"So you mean you've been checking me out for the last ten minutes and that's your excuse?" He chuckled at her expense.

"Well sorry that's all I could come up with." She smiled back.

His eyes widened in surprise to her response, not expecting sudden confidence from someone who was stuttering just a short while ago but snickered anyway. By the way it sounded, you would have thought he had just heard the funniest thing in the world.

The two began conversing and the plane ride seemed as if it were going to be decades before it landed, but it was okay because they were slowly getting to know each other and Brinley thought it felt nice to put down her technology and book for a while and actually engage in being social.

But somehow before they knew it, the plane ride actually was landing soon and they were in the midst of discussing which band they thought was the best. Thankfully, the two were getting along well and had already saved each other's number to continue their current conversation even after they landed because all things eventually come to an end, and soon enough the pilot's voice rang through Brinley's ears again telling the passengers to buckle up.

"Wait, where are you from?" He questioned as he buckled the gray seat belt around his waist.

"Florida. It's a southern state in the U.S." She answered, her seatbelt clicking.

"Oh I want to go there so badly! I'm actually from a small town right outside of Sydney." He explained.

"Oh hey, I'm staying in Sydney!" Brinley said excitedly.

The boy had opened his mouth to speak again but Brinley immediately stiffened and clenched her eyes shut as the plane started to descend, and the blonde haired boy noticed because he put a hand on her arm gently as a silent way of telling her that she would be fine. Brinley didn't finally relax until the plane had pulled to a complete stop.

"What's your name? I never caught it, sorry." He smiled sheepishly, realizing that he didn't know it simply because he never asked in the first place.

"It's Brinley." She replied and she couldn't help but duck her head as she reached for her carry on, hoping her hair would hide the blush on her cheeks.

"It was nice meeting you, Brinley from Florida." He grinned. "I'm James."


or well I hope I lead you on well enough to think it was Luke, and well if not then this is going to be awkward... *crickets chirping* but anyway yay I updated, hope you enjoy!!

-Cameryn (the girl who clearly has too much time on her hands)

ps I wrote this during class what a savage I am

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