~Authors Note (please read)~

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Welcome to book two

Once again I have taken inspiration from a real case and put my own story around it.

I don't really know what to call the case as there are so many different players but if you want to learn more go listen to Rotten Mango ep 77. That's where I got all my information.

Now, this case is very confusing, so I have left a lot of it out as it would be very very hard to write and wrap the FB plot around it and get the new characters and it'll be to hard to write and to hard for you all the read. If you don't understand anything in the story please feel free to ask!

As this is Friday Barnes, I will make it as light hearted as possible because these murders are absolutely awful. I want to make this book laidback and less chaotic while also being chaotic. I don't really know how that works but I'll figure it out.

Also it was my dad's idea to take something that happened in real life and put a fictional story around it but I forgot to credit him last time so thanks to my dad.

Anyway , thank you for all the love the first book got!


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