~what's with Jack Sinclair?~

"And you said that the woman's name was Grace Sinclair?" Friday asked.

They had moved into the room with Grace and a nurse was examining her.

Mr Sinclair looked at her. "What are you, 12?"

"15, answer the question please." She said.

Mr Sinclair stuck his note in the air. "I will not discuss my wife and my business with a 12-year-old girl who wants to play police officer."

"She's 15 and a junior detective for Interpol, answer her question." Officer Thomas said harshly.

Mr Sinclair huffed. "Yes, her name is Grace Sinclair. She is 23 and has a 2 year old daughter named Kirsten."

Something in Friday's stomach itched. Mr Sinclair wasn't making any moves to hold his wife's hand, and he didn't seem in any distress, just nodded along to what the police told him.

Friday began to back slowly out of the room.

Ian noticed and turned to look at her, concerned.

"Hey, what's wrong?" He whispered

Friday beckoned him out and shut the door to the room. "Something feels off."

Ian put his hands on her shoulders to try and comfort her. "What do you mean?"

"He doesn't seem upset, or stressed, or concerned, and he isn't making any moves to touch her and he's just nodding along to whatever the police tell him not asking follow up questions. It seems weird." She told him.

Olive watched them from the other side of the room where she and another girl sat with a few officers.

"They're so cute." She said, more to herself than anyone in particular.

"I know right. You have no idea how long it took for them to figure out they were in love." The other girl said.

Olive looked at the girl. "Let me guess, a few years of 'I don't like her' and 'I don't like him' before they actually realised."

The girl brushed her dark curls from her face. "Close. It was actually 'he's not my boyfriend' and 'she's not my girlfriend'."

They laughed.

"I'm Olive."

The dark curled girl smiled. "Melanie."

What happened to Grace Sinclair? (Friday Barnes) Where stories live. Discover now