
Friday and Olive were ready to go home.

They had both spent all night and the next day in the hospital and wanted to sleep in their beds again.

Friday grabbed her hoodie, of which she had discarded long ago, and handed Olive her jacket.

Olive was chatting to the police about their plans and if there was anything the girls had to do.

"Just make sure you're always by a phone or something we can contact you on." Officer Johnny said, putting his hands inside his vest.

Olive nodded and gave him her phone number, as well as the number of the communal phone in the warehouse.

Officer Johnny looked at the girls. "You're warehouse kids?"

Olive nodded. "Oh, but, don't feel bad. It's actually quite nice there."

Officer Johnny nodded. "Call if you need anything, ok girls?"

Olive nodded.

Friday, although allowed back at Interpol, had decided to go back to the warehouse with Olive.

These kids had taken her in when she had nowhere to go. She couldn't leave the second she got a better offer.

People bustled around the waiting area and Friday watched a tall woman with dark skin and long brown hair lean over the counter of the nurses office and talk to Jennie, who pointed to the door with the sign.

The woman asked something else, and then the woman looked at Friday.

She made her way over, followed by 3 other women and stopped in front of Friday.

"Hello, my name is Eden Carpenter, I'm a co-worker of Grace Sinclair, is that her room?" She asked.

Friday nodded.

Eden looked at the sign. "Did Jack Sinclair make that sign?"

Friday nodded again. "Yeah, this morning."

"That bastard." Eden mumbled, marching up to the door, ripping the sign off and taring it to shreds.

Nobody understood why the sign was there, but they had all respected it and stayed away, everyone except for the nurses and Friday.

Eden grabbed the handle and pushed open the door, sitting in the seat besides Grace. The other women introduced themselves also as co-workers of Grace, and went to sit beside the woman.

Friday watched the women in the room chatting to Grace as though she were awake.

Then someone hugged her from behind. "Are you sure you don't want to come with us?" Ian asked.

Friday nodded, turning to face him. "I can't leave the second I get the chance, plus, Alice and Elliott haven't heard from us since yesterday other than the police calling. I at least have to explain to them what happened."

Ian nodded.

"Friday, come on!" Olive called from the door of the elevator.

"Be safe." He said, referring to her strange act last night.

Friday nodded. "You too."

She gave him one quick kiss then walked over to join Olive.

When they got to the ground floor, officer Thomas was waiting to take them home.

~*~ ~*~ ~*~

"Blink twice if you want to come with me." Officer Thomas said jokingly when he saw the warehouse.

Olive laughed. "Trust me, it isn't anywhere near as bad on the inside. It's quite warm and cosy."

Officer Thomas nodded climbing out of the front seat. "If you say so."

They waited for him to open the doors for them, as the back doors of a cop car are locked from the inside to prevent criminals escaping.

He opened the door for Friday, then popes open the boot, grabbing Olive's wheelchair and setting it on the ground.

Friday looked up at the Warehouse. It did look a bit...terrible.

Lots of the windows were smashed and covered with blankets, the metal pipes on the outside were rusted and the door didn't look particularly sturdy, but it did the job.

"Give us a call if you remember anything." Officer Thomas said, climbing back into the car.

Both girls nodded and wandered inside, waving hello to the other kids.

"Hey, hey, Barnes, Quinn." A brunette boy said, jumping over the back of the couch. "I heard what happened."

The girls looked at each other.

"..good for you?" Olive said, confused as to the point of his statement.

"It's totally wild. What happened exactly?" He asked.

Olive rolled over to the stairs and waited for Friday. "That's none of your business, Jamie. All you need to know is that the woman is in a good hospital and is in a stable condition."

She rolled away. Jamie followed them both up the stairs.

"Ok but seriously. What happened. Did you see the car who hit her? Was there lots of blood? Did you cry? What was-"

He was cut off by his twin sister ditching a shoe at him.

It hit the boy in the back of the head.

"Leave them alone you pest." Leah said, smirking when he rubbed his head.

"I'm just curious." He whined.

Leah rolled her eyes and looked at Friday. "Go sleep."

Friday nodded.

Leah, while not being the tallest or strongest, was the oldest, and most responsible, and there for, the one in charge of the kids at the warehouse.

Friday and Olive made their way back to their room.

Olive sighed. "Brace yourself."

Friday frowned. She wasn't sure she could take anything else without keeling over from exhaustion.

"What for?" 

What happened to Grace Sinclair? (Friday Barnes) Where stories live. Discover now