~a possibility~

The next morning Friday sat at her desk, spinning her pen around her fingers.

Melanie was still asleep in their room and she hadn't seen Ian yet.

There were only a few kids scattered around, sitting at their desks or throwing a tennis ball around.

Every desk that had been claimed now had items from the person who claimed them. Pencil cases, phones, laptops, folders and files, books and a few even had little plants.

Morgan dumped a file on his desk as he sat down diagonal to her.

"How long have you been here?" He asked, sitting down and putting his knee against the edge of the table to rock back his chair.

"Not long."

He scanned her desk. "No cases?"

She shook her head.

"What about that hit and run? I thought you were working on that."

Friday shook her head again. "The case has gone cold. I think it was Mr Sinclair but we have no evidence to get him in custody."

Morgan nodded. "Well, if you're bored you can always help me."

He picked up a thin file and tossed it over the decided at her.

It landed on her desk and to picked it up. "Forensics analysis?"

Morgan nodded.

She spent most of the early morning working with Morgan.

He was a very easy going person, and spoke in a soft tone that could put anyone at ease.

"Morning." Ian said, throwing his jumper over the back of his chair.

Morgan gave a nod of hello as Ian made his way around the desks so he was standing behind Friday.

"Morning", she replied, scribbling away at the paper she was working on.

Ian pressed his lips to her jaw in little kisses.

Morgan scrunched up his nose but didn't say anything.

"Whatcha working on?" Ian asked.

Friday handed the file over the desk to Morgan who put it into a bigger folder. "Forensics analysis."

Ian nodded. "Are you doing this because you're bored?"

"Unbelievably bored." Friday sighed.

Morgan held out another folder. "I have one for you, Blondie, if you want one."

Ian laughed. "Sure, why not."

He walked over to his desk and took the file.

Over all, it was an extremely boring day.

Having no case to work on was driving her insane.

By noon the next day Friday was so bored she thought she might fade away.

Mack sat at his desk eyes wide. He looked positively giddy with excitement. "Have you heard!?"

Friday shook her head.

"Oh. My. God. It is insane."

Friday kicked her feet off the desk and her chair tipped forwards with a loud thud.

She leaned forwards as did Mack.

"We got a call from AAMI, you know, the insurance company, and it turns out that Mr Sinclair is a federal fugitive."

Morgan, who had been scrolling on his phone looked up. "Wait, he's flopping wanted!?"

Mack nodded, grinning. "I know, absolutely insane. So anyway, AAMI called Mr Tarlee and they're like 'what the fork do we do?'"

Morgan snorted. "Wait, so the insurance company-?"

Mack nodded. "They be solving crimes!"

"About time!" Morgan laughed.

"What did Mr Tarlee tell them?" Friday asked, a spark of excitement burning inside her.

"He told them they just re-opened a case." Mack said excitedly.

He looked at Friday. "Your case!"

What happened to Grace Sinclair? (Friday Barnes) Where stories live. Discover now