Chapter 3: He doesn't know where we're going (Alyssa POV)

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"You said you knew the way!" Sam complained. "I do. Satyrs are excellent mapmakers/woodsmen", Blake boasted.
"And yet were lost," I said. My legs ached like I was going to collapse. I almost did, but Sam and Blake caught me before I fell. I felt dizzy and lightheaded. I start to get tunnel vision. Blake said my left eye start to twitch. The point is, I was exhausted. I had to press on. I saw a shadowy figure in the distance. Sam seemed to see it too ; Blake was too absorbed in the map to notice. Until he ran into the guy. The man had horns like the minotaur, except long and curved. He looked like the type of guy that frolicked in the woods. His legs looked like just like Blake's, except it was taller and furrier. " I am Forest, god of forests, plains and Fields, the man said. "We would like to pass," Blake said firmly. "You want to pass my Forest?" Funnest ask, stunned...... "Yeah?" Blake said, awkwardly. "This Forest is my domain," Faunus said greedily. "Come on," Blake urged Faunus. Faunus  looked like he wanted to argue but couldn't. Why should I, Faunus, let you, little demigods, passed through my Forest?" he asked. He had a point there. Blake looked dumbfounded. The god of forest really liked his land. It's not like we were asking to buy land. We just wanted to pass through. "What if blake prove to you that we should pass?" Sam asked anxiously, clutching her Gladius. The God's eyes darted from left to right, considering her words. "If Blake can amaze me on his pan flute, I'll let you pass," Faunus said, smirking. "Deal, guy who frolics in the woods," Sam said, shaking the god's hand. Faunus's smirk faded. He frowned. He walked off muttering "whatever." We went in for a huddle, like in football. "What did

you just agree to," Blake said, fuming. "It's a piece of cake," I tried to reassure him.  "Faunus is rarely ever amazed," Blake said nervously. "If I didn't trust you, I wouldn't have shaked the guy's hand," Sam said, holding Blake by the shoulders. "You can do this," Sam ordered. Blake took a deep breath, then exhaled . He let out a goat moan. "I'll do it," Blake said, pulling out his pan flute. The edges of it were decorated with sapphire rhinestones. They shined in the little cracks of sunlight that entered the forest. "Let's hope I'm not too rusty at this."

Have you ever seen a satyr sing on the pan flute to impress the god of forests? Well, guess what? I've had the experience. And witnessed it fully. In the beginning Blake acted kinda clumsy, fumbling around. After that he played like a god (like Pan). Faunus kept a poker face the entire time. Once or twice he would raise an eyebrow, but otherwise his face was expressionless. When blake had finished his mournful yet beautiful tune, Faunus paced around the trees for a minute, and then came back. "Everyone that's come before you played a happy tune, hoping I would enjoy the cheerful melody. But all I wanted was a mournful tune. You gave me that. You may pass my forest. Good luck, demigods."
And with that, Faunus simply dissolved into mist.   "What just happened?" I said. "I played like a pro, that's what happened!" Blake boasted. "A pro at playing the pan flute," Sam said laughing. Blake looked embarrassed, his whole face was a splotch of red. "Let's get going," Blake said, walking away quickly. We went after him, giggling just a little bit.

"You still have no idea where we're going," Sam concluded. "I thought Alyssa would do a better job than I did, but no," Blake said, chuckling. "It said to go right!" I shouted. "It said to go left," Sam said, annoyed. "It said to make a U-turn," Blake said. We all stared at one another, making up the same conclusion: We were stuck in the middle of a forest, not knowing where to go. And arrow shot through the woods and hit Sam. Sam fell face forward into the grass. Two more arrows shot from the air. I dodged both arrows, but Blake was not so lucky. Blake got hit with both. He staggered and fell over. I saw a flash of green light. Another arrow shot across the trees. It went too fast for me to catch. It went in my arm like a needle. I screamed in pain. I felt tired and dizzy. My vision went blurry. Then I blacked out. The end. 

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