49 - Admiral Vicerion (2.49k words-approx 11min read)

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Vick's POV

Does she ever miss me even a fraction of the way I miss her?

I stood at the bottom of an expanse of snow-covered high hills, holding a device inspired by the gastropods.

Gastropods were known to have unique sensory organs, which were attuned to gravitational waves and electromagnetic fields ─ possessing a sensitivity to the subtle fluctuations of spacetime itself

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Gastropods were known to have unique sensory organs, which were attuned to gravitational waves and electromagnetic fields ─ possessing a sensitivity to the subtle fluctuations of spacetime itself. It was incredible to think that YaYa's father had drawn inspiration from these humble creatures to create devices capable of bridging dimensions.

A small part of the hill opened, granting me access inside.

"Welcome back, Admiral Vicerion. It's an honor to be in your presence." A soldier, wearing a dark, futuristic tactical wear, greeted me with a salute, "You look well."

"I feel well, thanks, CEE." I said, shaking the snow off my shoulders.

I stood inside a majestic structure. The walls were lined with glowing, translucent, blue-green veins, and the stone floor beneath my feet was made from a similar material. The ceiling was tall, vaulted, and lined with long, thin, white crystals that radiated a soft light.

I stepped through an archway, passing two armed soldiers, who all bowed in my direction.

"Her Highness is not with you today?" asked CEE, "It's been a while since I last saw her, ten years, maybe?"

"Yes, ten years," I looked over at him, "I'm here to meet her father."

"Oh, he's in the lab as always. Should I lead you to him?"

"No, that's alright, I know the way."

"Yes, sir."

I entered an elevator and descended into the belly of the mountain. I left the elevator and turned down a corridor, following a series of glowing veins that led to a door.

"Come in, Vick," came a voice.

I opened the door and entered a spacious hall filled with a dozen different workstations. Each station contained a variety of strange equipment, along with a plethora of screens.

A tall, lean man sat on the opposite side of the room behind a large desk. He wore a protective face shield and held a large, shining orb between his gloved hands.

"I hope I'm not interrupting," I said, listening to the sucking and moaning sound from under the man's desk.

"You are, but I'll allow it." The man said and continued to study the glowing orb, ordering the two females from under his desk to leave.

They both crawled out, revealing themselves to be YaYa's stepsisters. Both of them were stark naked, apart from the collars around their necks. Their skin was flushed, and their mouths were covered in the man's cum. They scurried off after cleaning and tucking him back into his pants, giggling and blushing at the sight of me.

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