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"Hey, Chanyoung, my baby." Hayun coos at the sight of Chanyoung.

"Stop that, it's embarrassing." The guy said in his usual soft voice. "And what's with you? Doll-ing up yourself for Wonbin?"

"Why is everyone saying that to me?!" Hayun could try and act like she didn't know why all she wanted but deep down they know that she knows.

"Touché" Yeseul laughs in her face, resulting in the other girl sending daggers at her.

"Damn, I'm sorry Mrs.Park." Yeseul continues to tease her.

"If you don't stop that, you'll deeply regret it Mrs.Jung." The other barked right back at her.

"You guys are kinda embarassing." Chanyoung quietly comments at the two girls bickering infront of him.

"Wonbin's band about to perform, let's go?" Hayun said as she tilts her head towards the stage.

"Our student council president this year sure knows what's up. Look at this! Last year was so boring." Yeseul said as the trio passed through the crowd, standing a few metres from the stage, making sure that Hayun would be able to stand out amongst the crowd.

"It's Eunseok." Chanyoung stated and the girl quickly replied to him with a "I know."

The performance was LIT, it's the fire emoji itself. LOL.
Wonbin was cool, he came out wearing a black tshirt, the sleeve rolled up, revealing his arm muscles and a baggy jeans .
His bandmates were pretty visually appealing too but Hayun's eyes were focused on Wonbin.

"Why is he so pretty?" Yeseul clicked her tongue, "Out-prettying all the girls in school, Hayun's done for." She laughed.

Chanyoung mumbled something but his quiet voice got lost amongst all the cheering and screaming from the crowd and not to mention the loud live music.

He was about to tap Hayun's shoulder but Yeseul nudged him, "Don't bother her."

Chanyoung pouted at the girl and went silent.
"You got something to say?"

"I want to go home." He whispered in her ear. "I'm feeling dizzy."

"Hayun won't be able to walk home with you." Yeseul sighed and dragged the guy away from the crowd.

"What a big baby." She clicked her tongue as they reached the front gate, "Call your chauffeur."

"He's with my dad."
"Then call your mom."
"She's abroad." Chanyoung dismiss her again.

"Then call a taxi." The girl was done with him. Naeun just had to ruin the boy's friendship with Shotaro and the other and now he's all alone, having only Yeseul and Hayun.

Chanyoung is a loser when it comes to making friends and if isn't for Yeseul introducing him to the group, he would have a hard time. Other than the boys, Hayun and Yeseul are a family friend since they're kids.

Being a year younger than the two girls, he listens to them and was always used as a 'model' to their fashion contest when they were young. Maybe it's his loyalty to Yeseul that caused him to dislike Naeun.

"I don't want to ride it alone." He sulked at the older girl.

"Am i supposed to drop you home?" Yeseul had her arm crossed, annoyed at the whining boy.

"I'll make sure you get your hands on Mom's upcoming release." The boy tried to pursue her again.

"Hayun will be all alone." And the girl can't help but worry about her cousin who just can't survive without her (real).

"Oh!" An idea flashed in the girl's mind, "How about you ride home with Seolmi?".

"You know, the pretty one whose dad works as Hayun's family chauffeur."

At 01:27pm | Jung SungchanWhere stories live. Discover now